Today is the day to remember our fallen sons who were fighting a ruthless Indian backed insurgency! This is our tribute to our brave officers and Jawans who have given their lives and continue to leave the comforts of their homes, families, children so that we can spend time with our loved ones in peace ! Wallah, these Ghazis and Shaheeds are the Harawal dasta of Ghazwa e Hind. We salute them with love and affection!
MashAllah, this is a strong dignified and honorable statement from the Sipah Salar! Uss Rizq sey maut achi jiss Rizq sey aati ho parwaz mein kotahii! The greatest of men in history, our forefathers and Sahabas, were poorest of people but they had ghairat, Izzat, jurrat, tawwakkul and Haya and they conquered the world even with broken swords and torn clothes! Rizq Halal brings izzt not wealth!
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We stand with our sons and brothers in uniform! InshAllah, In the coming days, we will have to physically fight along side them to march onwards for Ghawa e Hind's final battle for delhi! Today, we pay tribute to our fallen sons. Tomorrow, InshAllah, we hope to join their ranks as Shaheeds! There is no greater honor than living with dignity and dying with honor for the sake of Rasul Allah (sm) and Medina e Sani!
This is another one giving testimony about his target killings, murders and rioting in Karachi! See for yourself and open your hearts and minds to see the reality! This is the sick and filthy reality of MQM! This video is also released by Joint Interrogation Team! Listen to him when he says MQM kills its own party members!
It is time to make Afghanistan graveyard of another empire!! Pakistani nation reject the American presence in Afghanistan, consider it an act of war against the Pakistani state and people and want to send the last wrning before its wrath is unleashed! US Joint special operations command and CIA has been waging a war against Pakistan state. Now it is payback time! Just watch!
We are gathering information on OBL issue and can assure you that Obama is lying again as he did on Davis as being a diplomat. A US helicopter has been shot down by Pakistan air defense units but Obama says there was no loss of US forces! The media and the US are NOT talking about the downed chopper nor we have seen the body of Osama. Osama may have been killed somewhere else and body being dumped here! Just wait!!
Watch Zaid Hamid on ARYnews at 4:30 pm today speaking on Osama Bin Laden killing drama!!
Watch Zaid Hamid on ARYnews at 7 pm to 9 pm today with Kashif Abbasi to discuss OBL issue.
Watch Zaid Hamid on Dunya TV at 10 pm tonight dicussing OBL incident.
Zaid Hamid with Kashif Abbasi on Arynews on the Osama Bin Ladin Drama.
Zaid Hamid and Haroon Rashid with Wasim Badami on Ary News discussing the issue of OBL killing.
Zaid Hamid on Dunya TV with Meher Bukhari in program cross fire. Topic: The question of Osama's death.
Indian Media showed the photo of Osama Bin Laden killed by the US troops. Our volunteer team exposed the fake and now the global media is embarrassingly and sheepishly withdrawing it :)) This is war of lies and disinformation by Indians and CIA against Pakistan!! Alhamdolillah, our volunteers are defending the Pak sarzameen and counter attacking the hostile media, MashAllah!
Watch this Alex jones interview! The most powerful people in US knew he is already dead back in 2002 and knew that the news would be broken before a presidential election to bolster a weak US government! This is exactly what has happened as now Obama's ratings have sky rocketed! The entire OBL drama in Abbottabad is a hoax!!!
Americans and Indians are now weaving a web of deception around Pakistan to prepare for a physical invasion of Pakistan! The war has been declared by them after their attack inside Pakistan on the fake pretext of OBL. This is our stern warning and a declaration of war against their Zionist controlled media and politics! Pakistan is awake, alive and waiting for you -- guns loaded! Allahu Akbar!
The patriotic Americans and good Christians support Pakistan against their own Zionist government. In this fierce and ruthless interview to Mark Glenn, we talk to millions of Americans and freedom loving people in the West and convey our resolve, faith, ambitions and will to defend our land, faith, ideology and the country against another planned invasion of a Muslim Nation!
Allama Iqbal said 90 years ago that If Afghanistan is in turmoil, whole Asia would be in war! This warning of General Zia is hauntingly true for today as well. Afghan Taliban/Hekmatyar/Haqqani are fighting the US/NATO to throw out the occupation just as they did against the Soviets. We betrayed the Afghan resistance and now the war has entered Pakistan! Now is the time to remain firm! Do NOT panic! Khair inshAllah!
Dear children,Pakistan is going to face great trials in the coming months. Now you will be called to duty the way our forefathers sacrificed to create this Medina e Sani. It is going to be tough. Our nation and youth are NOT prepared to face such hardships!. This is Allah's way to purify us from Kufr system! Turn towards Allah and Rasul Allah (sm) NOW! Only Ishq e Rasul (sm) will pull you through! InshAllah Khair!
Children, start your salat and Quran. Do Astaghfar and Shukar kaseera! Pray for Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Pak Sarzameen! Be Iqbal. Listen to all our programs again and be the Banda e Azaad with Faqr e Ghayyur! Our youth are too casual about life while the enemy attacks your soul and mind through media, films and western songs! There is khair in following Sharia and Sunnah! Never ever lose hope!
If you can, work on your physical health, do exercises and sports! According to wisdom of a Hadees, Rasul Allah (sm) has advised all Muslims to learn shooting (Rifle, pistol etc), Riding (car, bikes, cycles etc) and swimming! Learn camping, basic cooking, pitching tents and medical first aid! Learn to live a simple life without power and gas as our villagers do :) Momin is tough!
May Allah keep our Pakistan safe but we must be prepared and strong! Every Momin is a soldier and must be battle ready! Our soldiers are trained to live in difficult and hostile conditions for a reason. Learn from Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan! Watch how Muslim youth there are waging most difficult urban wars within their cities for their Imaan and Izzat! These are the future wars!
The reason Afghans are able to defeat the super powers is that they are tough, away from wordily pleasures and not dependent upon modern urban luxuries! They have faith in their ideology and are willing to die for their country! When love of dunya becomes strong and a Muslim becomes luxurious and fearful of death -- Kuffar start to attack them from all sides as they do now! InshAllah Khair. Prepaer for now!
Alhamdolillah, Pakistan is spiritually protected but Pakistani leaders, media and nation in general have become agents of Dajjal and ghafil from Allah (swt) and are just not willing to do tauba and Astaghfar! Allah has His own scheme now! This corrupt political, judicial and economic system will be violently shaken and Pakistani nation will be gravely tested! Watch this video again! We must prepare!
This is the future game! Watch it again and again! A Iraq style war against Pakistan is knocking on our door! Our leaders have sold us to the devil! We only have faith in Allah (swt) and Rasul (sm) and on our patriotic shaheens who will stand by us from the armed forces and Pakistani youth! We have just few months to prepare while the enemy would increase terrorism, bombings and violence on streets! Prepare now!
These are most critical times to prepare. spread these messages to all youth on all forums globally, especially to those who are not on FB. Allah has warned us in advance and it is our duty to take advice. This is NOT a false alarm! The threat is real and close! The 4th generation war is already upon us. We are in a state of war but now the next dangerous phase is about to begin!
This is our alternate official website which contains all the programs, Magazines, security reports, motivational videos, MP3 Cd's, Brochure, my memoirs and much more! All write ups are linked with supporting video links also. InshAllah, this platform will also be our major weapon for azaan! Post this on our sites and spread the word please. Jazak Allah. ZH
This is our crisp and harsh message edited out of Dr. Danish's program! The entire present and future game is exposed in these 14 minutes! We fully encourage and back our army to move now and clean up the mess at all levels! If US and India dare to attack Pakistan, we warn them that 5 million armed Pakistanis would wait in ambush for them and this time, we will NOT take prisoners!
Our April Magazine is on Media wars and how this Dajjal system spread lies, disinformation and program your minds subtly into believing lies! Media is the most ruthless weapon of Dajjal today. But it is also a sharp weapon in the hands of Momineen and Band e Azaad! We must fight this war on their battlefield but on our terms! Psyops & Info wars is the most ruthless war today. Know their secrets! Momin is NOT stupid!
By Allah, even if the traitors within our ranks have betrayed us to the enemies, we are the tigers and falcons of Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah (sm) and would never live in humiliation & shame! This Pakistan is a sacred trust given to us and we vow to fight ruthlessly for our faith, ideology, identity, honor, dignity and land. We are giving you a call to duty! Report to Rasul Allah (sm)! Do NOT betray Rasul Allah (sm)!
Our enemies can block our radars. Their aircraft are stealth and can bomb from great heights. Their satellites can spy upon us from space. BUT they don't have faith. They are afraid to die. They fight for Dajjal! InshAllah,if they dare put their feet on ground - We shall be waiting in ambush! We remind them of Badr, Yarmouk, Qadsia and Hittin! We are soldiers of Rasul Allah (sm), children of Salahuddin!
Children, remember this always! Our strength, power and supremacy remains in our sacred ideology and our extreme love for our Rasul Allah (sm)! In our entire history, we have remained supreme due to our spiritual strength! when we have lost our spiritual contact with Rasul Allah, we have been defeated despite weapons and numbers! Re-establish your contact with our Supreme Commander Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)!
Nations which do not remember their history, their geography is also changed! Know your great ancestors and feel the honor and romance in their greatest of noble achievements! This is full series of Sayyadna Khalid Bin waleed from our series Yeh Ghazi with English sub-titles! You are the children of these great Mujahideen and carry the same blood, same traditions and same dignified future, InshAllah!
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We know their plan. They don't know Allah's plans! They are plotting and conspiring. Allah is planning too and He is the best of the planners! InshAllah, Pakistan army & youth - will be the sword of Allah and Rasul Allah (sm). Pakistan is Medina e Sani, under spiritual protection of Allah and Rasul Allah (sm), upon which there is Saya e Khauda e Zuljalal! It is Allah's Jalal they will see very soon InshAllah!
Our informal but intense discussion with youth and elders on Iqbal day on the lawns of Alhamra Lahore on April 21st. Alhamdolillah, a generation is being created, trained and ignited with Ishq e Rasul, Khudi and Faqr e Ghayyur! Allahuma Taqabbal Minnah!
After paying Hazri at Muqam e Iqbal, we sat with Muneeb Iqbal, the grandson of Iqbal on the lawns of Mazaar and had a heart to heart with the crowd and youth gathered there. DISNA, Dr Iqbal society of North America were also there and MashAllah, it was an amazing uplifting spiritual experience! sharing it here with you all.
For every generation, there is a test and a time to act to claim their glory and re-write the history. Our time has now arrived!
InshAllah, great khair is coming but remain ba-adab, dignified and honorable so that Allah include you in this Barakah and Rehmah which He has promised! Alhamdolillah, all fuqara, aulia and sahib e baseerat Momineen are giving glad tidings but also warning of most severe tests if we do not revert back to Allah and Rasul Allah (sm). This Pak sarzameen is sacred! Love and respect it!
dear Children,
sms is being used as hostile media against Pakistan, Pak army and national unity. We have not used this medium powerfully as yet. Now is the time.
Spread patriotic sms messages which destroy the negative campaign, spread unity between ethnic groups, unity between army and people, message of support for armed forces to move forward and clean up the mess at all levels and to stand up against India and CIA. All messages should end with strong Pakistan zindabaad message. launch millions of these. change your FB status to such messages and flood the cyber world and air waves. lets blast the enemies sms and media campaign. Go to your battle stations and launch! Allah hu akbar!
Those who sacrifice BEFORE the Victory when there is hopelessness and complete darkness, are not comparable to the ones who sacrifice AFTER the Victory!
We support our ARMY in the KHAKI WARDI
We salute our Sabz Hilali Parcham
Do you think Army should remove the present government and replace them with Pro-Pakistani caretakers?
NATION stands behind the ARMED FORCES. Our supreme Commander remains Rasool Allah (SW). PAKISTANI YOUTH is the defender of MUSLIM UMMAH.
UMMAH's trust in PAKISTAN ARMED FORCES is conveyed by a Palestinian Child " Don't Look at the STONE in our Hand but Look at the BOMB in PAKISTAN "
If you are STILL wondering why USA is attempting to escalate tensions in Pakistan over the OSAMA HOAX, "Balkanization of Pakistan" and "the permanent disruption of Pakistan’s, Iran’s and China’s development" is your answer. It isn’t a matter of IF, it is now only a matter of HOW BIG the insurrection can be grown.
Watch Proof that OSAMA NEVER existed: 2nd helicopter never landed; Osama taken in a DESTROYED chopper?
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Understand the DESTINY laid out by ALLAH(swt) for Pakistan. It is Pakistan's destiny to lead the MUSLIM UMMAH and Pakistan Army is the ONLY MUSLIM NUCLEAR ARMY to fight GHAZWA-E-HIND !
Pakistan NUCLEAR WEAPONS are holding back the rampage of ISRAEL and USA to Mecca/Medina !
ALLAH(swt) is in JALAL. Time is NEAR for cleansing. Anyone against Pakistan will be annihilated.
Pakistan Zindabaad - Pakistan Army Paindabaad
Do you think Osama was there in Abbotabad on the night of US invasion, on May 2nd, 2011?
Understand the age you live in my children. Three Paths of History are in front of Pakistani Youth: First is Destruction, Second is Slavery and the 3rd is ALLAH's DESTINY to change the Economic, Social, Political and Judicial System of KUFFAAR ! !!! WE CHOOSE THE THIRD AND FINAL DESTINY !!!
Pakistan Zindabaad -- Pak Armed Forces Paindabaad
Quran and Sunnah orders MOMINEENS to equip themselves with weapons and strike FEAR in the hearts of KUFAR. There is NO COMPROMISE on Defense !
Naimat-ullah-shah Wali:
"When Pakistan reaches a HOPLESS SITUATION, after a great ORDEAL will rise a JALEEL-UL-QADAR Momin who will take charge of the LEADERSHIP. Alliance with China will bring in state of the art military technology. Technologists will start to pour into Pakistan from all corners in search of their DESTINY” INSHA ALLAH !
Pakistan was NEVER possible without FAIZAN-E-NABVI. Duty of THIS generation is to build Pakistan on the MODEL of KHILAFAT-E-RASHIDA. Pakistan's Destiny is to lead the UMMAH. Allah(swt) is only searching for the LEADERS to fulfill this destiny.
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Pistols and muskets of the early era when gun powder was invented. |
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Muskets of the early era which are muzzle loading weapons of gun powder era. Muslims developed newer rifles hundreds of years ago. |
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A brilliant sun cannon where a magnifying glass would ignite the gun powder through sunlight! a true ingenuous design by Muslims almost 500 years ago |
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telescopes and navigation instruments invented by Muslims hundreds of years ago! |
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The classical architecture in Mashhad at Imam Reza complex made almost 800 years ago reflects the greatness of Islamic abstract masonry and drawings. |
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The classical architecture in Mashhad at Imam Reza complex made almost 800 years ago reflects the greatness of Islamic abstract masonry and drawings. |
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The arched architecture with huge doors is standard pattern of gateways in Muslim designs or forts, Masjids and palace. This pic is also in Mashhad. |
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The Mashhad Imam Reza complex museum view. |
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Rare pieces of weapons, swords and royal jewels is displayed at the Mashahd museum complex. |
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Islamic coins from early Islamic era. Gold and silver were the standard currency always |
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fascinating glass work was pioneered by Muslims adored walls and windows in the entire Muslim world. |
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Islamic coins from early Islamic era. Gold and silver were the standard currency always. |
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Islamic coins from early Islamic era. Gold and silver were the standard currency always. |
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Islamic coins from early Islamic era. Gold and silver were the standard currency always. These are coins of Mehmud Ghaznavi era. |
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Pottery from the Persian empire era before Islam arrived in Persia |
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Islamic architecture which can be seen across the Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran and Indian sub continent has delicate tile and mosaic work done hundreds of years ago. |
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Islamic architecture which can be seen across the Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran and Indian sub continent has delicate tile and mosaic work done hundreds of years ago. |
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Islamic architecture which can be seen across the Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran and Indian sub continent has delicate tile and mosaic work done hundreds of years ago. |
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The honey comb architecture is a unique and rare masterpiece of abstract architecture perfected by Muslims about a thousand years ago. It is still unmatched in beauty and designs. |
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Sundials and compasses used for navigation, invented by early Muslims made hundreds of years ago when the west was in dark ages. |
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globes and maps of the world made thousand years ago by Muslim scientists. |
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The arched architecture with huge doors is standard pattern of gateways in Muslim designs or forts, Masjids and palace. This pic is also in Mashhad. |
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A rarest astrolabe for sea navigation invented by Muslims almost 1000 years ago |
We have not forgotten any of our shaheeds! When nations begin to die, the blood of the shaheeds is needed to revive the dignity, honor and faith! These young shaheeds of Pak army are the unsung heroes who have willfully sacrificed all so that we may live in peace and izzat! Honor them! By Allah, we are proud of them and each one of them is Khalid, Tariq, Sallahudin and Tipu!
This is your destiny! Prepare or it. Go for it. Grab it! Glory and honor awaits you! Allahu Akbar!
MashAllah, 13 years old Sualeh has made this powerful video based on our warning to the enemies. With this generation growing in the laps of our sisters, Wallah, Pakistan is destined to become what Allah has ordained already -- A model of Khilafat e Rashida with Takmeel e Pakistan leading the Ghazwa e Hind and uniting the Muslims in United states of Islam, InshAllah!
Quran says those who deal in Riba (Interest, banking and paper currency) are like those who have been maddened by the devil's touch! Here is another example. Libya is attacked because Qaddafi wanted to start Gold Dinar currency to replace dollar and Euro fake paper! The biggest threat to Kufr system is from Islamic economic model and start of a gold currency! InshAllah, we WILL start our own gold and silver currency!
There is only one reason why Pakistan was created! Ghazwa e Hind, Khilafat ala Minhaj un Nubuwwat and United states of Islam!!!!! Be part of this amazing romantic destiny and dont be on the wrong side of history! Kufr wants to destroy our armed forces, our nuclear assets, our ISI and then Allah forbid, our Ummat! Wake up, for the time is now close!!!
Your blood would ignite in your veins with passion and emotions! Just watch...
Naval airbase in Karachi has been attacked. We have taken hits and battle is on going as we write. Pakistan Navy has lost at least one aircraft. Special forces are fighting the Indian backed TTP terrorists. By Allah, we are neither afraid nor shaken. Enemy has entered within our streets in this urban 4th Generation war but we swear to fight back. Pakistan Zindaabaad!
When regime is filthy traitors, Judiciary does not punish the terrorists, media is awara, economy is collapsing and terrorists gangs like TTP, MQM and BLA are within our ranks & CIA and RAW operating in our streets then such acts of war against Pak Sarzameen are expected. Army cannot fight alone. The solution is over throwing this filthy regime and invoking the military courts to eliminate the terrorists!
This is part 1 of our talk with our Dubai team just 3 days back. It explains what is happening in Pakistan and what should be our strategy when we are under attack. In the light of Karachi attack, this discussion is most relevant. More parts will be uploaded soon. InshAllah. Listen to it carefully and be patient, wise and strong. More tests are coming in these very difficult times but stay firm!!!
This is part 2. Listen to it very very carefully !!!!
This is the full version!!!! We have poured our heart out here and have answered all the questions, allegations and complaints about us, our mission and duty. This is a profound discussion which would shake you and force you to ponder about your path, ambitions, intentions and sincerity with mission of Takmeel e Pakistan. Our journey is difficult! Take your choice!
Zaid Hamid on ARY News about attack on PNS Mehran Karachi. Its time for Pakistan Armed Forces, Parliament and Judiciary to wake up from slumber and realize that Pakistan is in a state of War!
Dedicated to our beloved officers and men who are dying each day to protect our honor fighting a war against extremely heavy odds, betrayals, traitors and munafiqeen within our ranks! We specially dedicate this to shaheeds of Navy in today's attack in Karachi and our men fighting in FATA today. May Allah bless you always dear brothers. We can never pay your debt of love!!
InshAllah, at 10 PM watch Zaid Hamid on Dunya News with Mehar Bokhari to expose the real game plan behind attacks on Navy! Other guests are Pervez Musharraf and Admiral Tanvir!
We are in a state of war. Government and Politicians still in shameless denial that this is a law and order issue. When Indians attacked Pakistan in 65 and 71, we dit not register Police FIR's against them because acts of war are matters to be dealt with the army. These enemy combatants are illegal army sent into Pakistan to fight this urban decentralized war!!!
This is the full version!!!! We have poured our heart out here and have answered all the questions, allegations and complaints about us, our mission and duty. This is a profound discussion which would shake you and force you to ponder about your path, ambitions, intentions and sincerity with mission of Takmeel e Pakistan. Our journey is difficult! Take your choice!
The time has arrived! You will be tested with greatest of tests and trials but this is Allah's way of separating Momineen from the Munafiqeen! Pakistan is under the wings of angels and protected under the shadow of Rasul Allah (sm) but Pakistani nation is infested with traitors and Munafiqeen. We have to go through this test of fire and sword to bring out a pure and dignified leadership and nation!
Prepare yourself ! your weapons are Faqr e Ghayyur, An awakened Khudi, Nigah Buland, Sukhn Dilnawaz and Jaan pursoz! When khudi is awakened, aik sipahi ki zarb karti hai kaar e sipah!!!!
InshaAllah, at 11 pm tonight, on ARY News with Waseem Badami, watch Zaid Hamid expose the imposed war on Pakistan and analyze the threats and responses.
The last words of Quaid e Azam -- Pakistan could not be created without Faizan e Nabwi and there should be system of Khilafat e Rashida in Pakistan!!! Allahu Akbar!!
Our today program on ARY! The lies, deceptions and mockery of these political leaders is nauseating. Pakistan is under attack in a ruthless war and they continue to lie and decieve the nation. Born losers! Wallah, this Pak Sarzameen is under the shadows of Rasul Allah and no matter what the enemies want, this Pakistan is here to stay, InshAllah!
In these two minutes you will understand how the Dajjal system controls the world through their IMF and economic system based on Riba, Banks and paper currency and then wage wars on nations which have resources, ideology or military power o challenge the Kufr system. Only the blind, deaf and dum as our political munafiqeen cannot see or understand!
Listen to this again. we gave this interview after the attack on Mehran. All issues have been explained clearly. only the deaf and blind cannot see. We are giving our azaan despite the fact that "buut hain jamaat ki asteenon main"!!
By Allah, Kufr will not succeed to harm Pak Sarzameen! The Ummat of Rasul Allah (sm) is in pain but have not lost its ghairat and Izzat and knows how to defend its honor, ideology and faith! Our leaders may be munafiqeen, our media may be traitors, Ulama e soo may create fasad in deen but We will give azaan with force, support our armed forces and defend this Medina e Sani!
The traitors are demanding a cut in defense budget when the nation is at war!!! Here we have given a strong argument in defence of armed forces and defebce budget and have proven that development in the country is not hampered due to defense budget but due to corruption and war! Know your enemies. Now they are attacking the from all sides! We fight back with equal ferocity, alhamdolillah!
This is the expose of the century!! "Ajmal Kassab begging to Bhagwan for mercy" !! listen to this interview. His accent is Indian. He pleads to Bhagwan. He is NOT from a village in Pakistani Punjab. He is the man India claims did Mumbai. No Muslim would ever beg for forgiveness to Bhagwan. Listen at 3:09. Indian drama exposed big time!!!
When Mumbai happened few years ago, we were the first to expose that this man is either a Hindu or a Sikh but NOT a Muslim Pakistani!! Alhamdolillah, the video below proves decisively that he is a Hindu or a Sikh but definitly not a Muslim Pakistani! Allahu Akbar! Enemies mocked us when we exposed this drama. Now Allah humiliates them!! Alhamdolillah!
India and their neo-con allies in West are preparing a case that Pakistan is a terrorist state which is not capable of keeping nuclear assets. Indian case was built on Mumbai and Ajmal Kassab drama. Now this myth is comprehensibly busted when entire Pakistani nation has seen that so called "Ajmal" is a bloody Zionist Hindu! Spread this video globally and defend Pakistan in the media war! Do your duty!
Mubarak to the entire Ummah as Yaum e Takbeer May 28th arrives!!! This day, Muslims of Pakistan sent shivers down the spines of Kufr and Zionists all over the world! We became the first Muslim nuclear state! It is because of this weapon which Allah has blessed us that all Zionists are united against us today. Our message to them is -- you can burn in your rage. We are coming after you, InshAllah!
after the creation of Pakistan, indeed May28th was the most romantic day in our history!! We cried that day. The entire Ummah celebrated! Lets us take you on that romantic journey! Come with us......
Price to defend this Medina e sani is staggering but we are willing to pay any price, any cost to defend our honor, faith and ideology! Everyday, our sons and brothers are dying in the battle field and the nation do not even hear about them! Prepare now as more sacrifices are needed in the coming days. Time for fun and games is over. This is time for Jihad and defense of Medina e sani!
We are humble faqeers, doing a duty of Ishq, for the sake of Rasul Allah, ask nothing from this world, only live with dignity to die with honor, InshAllah!
Razm e Haq o batil ho to faulaad hai mo'min!!
Our enemies accuse us of hating all Jews, Christians and Hindu! We have always made it clear that our war is with Zionists and not with non-Muslims of other faith who are good human beings. In fact, we stand for the rights of good Jews, Christians and Hindus who are also oppressed by the Zionists. Here we are meeting two anti-Israel anti Zionist Jews and listening to their grievances!
We are duty bound to give this azaan and to march forward to implement it against all odds, through the tests of fire and sword, braving the trials of blood and sand -- for the sake of Ummat e Rasul Allah (sm) and Pakistan! We have made our choice and there is no turning back! We will live with dignity and InshAllah, when our time comes, we will die with honor!!!!
Pakistan is now faced with a brutal urban decentralized war waged by CIA/RAW nexus who are using TTP and urban terrorists in Karachi to create Iraq like situation for Pakistan. InshAllah, never will they succeed and humiliation awaits them! BrassTacks May issue deals with this war! Collect your copy next week from office! details on zaidhamid.pk
Americans blame Pakistan for their failures in Afghanistan! Non-sense rubbish propaganda. Here, deep in Afghan lands in Helmand, hundreds of Afghan Taliban move easily to attack NATO forces while US does nothing. Do you know over 400 million dollars per year are paid by NATO to Taliban as fee for safe passage of NATO supplies :)) Taliban get their arms from Afghan army! Just look at this:))
Let us take you on a romantic journey - a fairytale of love, passion, heartbreak, betrayal, courage, honor, sacrifice and dreams! It started generations ago when our forefathers envisioned a home for us. Then they sacrificed all they had to create another Medina. Now the flag has been passed on to us. The journey continues, the revolution marches on.. from creation to completion!!!
A soul stirring message of love from a volunteer to the nation -- lets join hands, raise the flag, march united, stand firm and trust this faqeer!
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