There is a blessing in disguise that we have lost the match in Mohali! We lost but we saved the lives of thousands of Muslims who would have been killed if we had won! This is an old story but would give you the idea what could have happened to Muslims. Yesterday also, Hindu gangsters attacked a Muslim girls hostel in Kashmir after victory and humiliated our sisters!
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MashAllah, Turks are rising again and the Zionists are shivering! This is a trailer of a Turkish movie which shows a Turkish commando going to Palestine and defending the Muslims against Zionists! This is the role of a Muslim media not the role most of Pakistani media is playing -- acting as traitors to Pakistan and Ummah! Pak media managers should wake up else we will shake them, InshAllah!
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Zaid Hamid: Ishq Aur Taqaza-e-Ishq!!
Dear children, if you can afford it, we will strongly advice you to buy our Monthly BrassTacks Security Review Magazine. It will give you genuine knowledge and also be your contribution to spread the ideology! Its price is Rs: 400/= and you can purchase directly from BT office in Pindi. We shall announce more locations later IA. Call Imad Khaldi at 051-5598046,7 for details. BT team
To all Pakistanis: Save in real wealth -- Gold and silver! The paper currency is crashing and the world is moving towards real wealth. Watch this amazing interview with a young Pakistani economist who expose the system and give solid real wealth based advice! The interview is in Punjabi but you can understand it and apply the wisdom!
Zaid Hamid tells how to go from plastic money to real money, a must watch program!
For purchasing/Ordering BrassTacks Magazines...
Please send Pay Order, Demand Draft on Cross Cheque payable to "BrassTacks" on the following address:P.O. Box 255,GPO,Saddar, Rawalpindi
Contact: Emaad Khalid 0321-5001370, emaadkhalid777@hotmail.com
This government is the most sinister collection of traitors, corrupt and the scum of the earth. They are hell bent on destroying all strategic assets we have! Now, they are destroying the Higher Education Commission! The country is at war and economy is collapsing and Indian media is taking over our ideology and identity and this regime is busy destroying Pakistan! We are warning the rulers! Now no mercy!
This is the cover story of BrassTacks March magazine, giving you the radical insight and solutions to the economic crises. For those who cannot have access to our magazine they can at least read the cover story here. We will be posting other articles also inshaAllah. But do try to get the printed copy also for it has much more!
Dear all, our website www.brasstacks.pk is undergoing maintainence. It will remain down for a few days it seems. Relax. Just routine stuff. FB remains our main page for announcements and posts till then. Jazak Allah. BT team.
This is another profound and penetrating analysis by ZH on the emerging Middle East wars! This paper is also published in March BT magazine. The analysis was done when the Egyptian crisis was unfolding and remains relevant to developments in Libya, Bahrain and Syria. BT team
For BT Magazines in Lahore:
1. Kisana Books. Sector E commercial market. ASKARI 10, Cantt, Lahore
2. New Echoes Music, 163 Bank Square, Model Town.
3. Maqbool Books, Ground Floor, Saddiq Centre, Main Boulevard, Gulberg.
Free delivery in Lahore. Munir 03009426253.
All other cities, pl contact BT office in Pindi. Jazak Allah. BT team
BT magazines are also available in UAE.
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He was born a German jew, died as a Pakistani Muslim! He was Leopold Weiss who is known as Muhemmed Asad and wrote his biography as "Road to Makkah". He met Allama Iqbal and migrated to Pakistan! In a fascinating and rare article written by him 63 years ago, Asad explains this romantic dream called Pakistan! This is how our forefathers and the Muslim world looked at Pakistan!
Dear Children, here, sharing with you first 10 chapters of my personal memoirs from the Afghan Jihad era! Alhamdolillah, a glimpse of Fazal of Allah (swt) on this faqeer for He allowed us to take part in an epic struggle to liberate a Muslim land. These are published every month in BT magazine. Extremely nostalgic stories from a romantic era!
All university students -- organize peaceful protests within your campuses and sign petitions and visit government officials and media to raise the issue of HEC. Ask CJ to take up suo moto on this and take a stay order else ask a lawyers to file a petition in SC. This betrayal of Pakistan education must be resisted. Be smart, don't be violent -- use media, civil society and law to your advantage!
The secrets of adab and Ishq e Rasul (sm) and hazri at Rauda e Rasul (sm). In this most profound, spiritual, mystical lecture, we explore the secrets of mystical dimensions of Islam! Unless the ummah learns this adab, there would be no izzat and glory for Muslims! When you go to Hazri next time, follow these protocols of adab! InshAllah, Khair!
CIA plans and supports Hindu Zionist terrorists to orchestrate Hindu Muslim riots in India to stage ethnic cleansing of Muslims and to blame Pakistan for religious extremism! This nauseating report from an Indian paper expose how Zionists of all colors join hands against Muslims! Babri Masjid was destroyed by RSS on directions of CIA! Gujarat riots and Sampjhota express as well as Mumbai all are jobs of CIA/RAW/RSS!
The terrorist group which is fighting Pakistan today on behalf of zionist Hindus is called TTP. In Hadees sharref, their name is Kharjees! They are worst creation on earth enemies of Allah and Rasul Allah (sm). In this stunning, eye opening colleciton of Ahadees, you can see what Rasul Allah (sm) has said about these enemies of Pakistan! Spread this and do your duty to expose these criminals!
Zaid Hamid: Shadows of Invasion (Press TV Iran) Part 1
The signs of Kharjees and their crimes are now well documented. Still, no Pakistani political party demand that TTP must be declared an enemy of the State and crushed with all force!! This country is made hostage by two militant groups -- TTP and MQM and media cannot dare speak against them!!
Watch its part 2 also
You want to know what is the other name for Islam ? it is Faqr e Ghayyur !! Watch this mesmerizing lecture and feel the spark of dignity and honor ignite in your soul! Without this tarbiat and tazkia, nations are not built nor find glory! Hear it, implement it and spread it!
My dear Imran, what in Allah's name are you doing linking up with this traitor who consider creation of Medina e Sani as the greatest blunder in history? , and then asks Indians to help him? This Pakistan is made on the direct orders of Rasul Allah (sm). He calls it a blunder,Astaghfurullah! Maintain your dignified stance and don't join hands with MQM! They will destroy you as they plan to destroy Pakistan! ZH
To all patriotic workers of MQM: On the day of judgment you will be raised with your leader whom you followed in dunya! Today, your leader is this man who hates Medina e Sani Pakistan, its ideology and calls its creation a blunder! Be very very careful whom you follow for doors of tauba may close soon! This Pakistan is a sacred trust of Rasul Allah (sm)! Do NOT betray it! We have given our azaan!
Another point dear Imran, DO NOT join hands with Musharraf also! He has given us a bloody, wounded and failing Pakistan! He gave blanket approval to CIA to create TTP, he strengthened MQM to this anarchic level, he gave us NRO, the biggest khayant with Pakistan and then he gifted us this democracy and above all Zardari! Do not destroy your credibility and good work! Musharraf and MQM are bad company!
Remember this: Solution to Pakistan's crisis does not lie in this sick, decadant and treacherous political system, democracy or dictatorship! Dont follow false gods to save you. No political leader wants system of Rasul Allah (sm) nor wants to change Riba based economic system. No one wants Khilafat e Rashida model! Watch our January 15th program with Dr. Danish! That is the short term solution!
For Allah's sake wake up! You dont have time now. Allah is going to make this Pak Sarzameen the greatest base for revival of Ummah and He is in a jalali mood! All those oposed to Pakistan's ideology wil now be decimated in a sea of blood. Pakistan leaders, Ulama, people and military will pay a heavy price for not implenting Allah's laws! It has already started -- punishment of khauf, jaan, maal, izzat and even Imaan!
Take few minutes out of your time and listen to this! This is an azaan you must listen! These are few of the last warnings coming our way before the destiny starts to unfold!
This will shake you to the core! If not, you are dead already! If yes, Mubarak, Allah has not abandoned you!
Listen Live to Mr Zaid Hamid "A Pakistani Security Consultant and Political Commentator" A real motivation for youth, only on Aks radio http://www.aksradio.com/ today, at 05:00pm PST with Aks Radio Team. Be a part of this show!
now you can hear recording of this AKS radio show ( Interview of ZAID HAMID ) tonight from 10:30pm-12am InshAllah.
InshAllah, at 10 pm pst, Watch Zaid Hamid live on program Mera Pakistan on Venus TV. This channel is available in Europe and Americas. May be live streamed on their site. Must watch, blunt hard hitting typical ZH fireworks inshAllah!
Message from ZH to the youth and the nation on behalf of DISNA! This would ignite the passion and the romanticism of the phenomenon called Iqbal, InshAllah. Be part of this soft revolution! There is dignity and honor in this noble journey!
Take one hour out and watch this soul shaking interview of Zaid Hamid! All the questions you wanted to ask about Pakistan's present crisis, politics, economy, terrorism, political parties, war against TTP and the 4th generation war against Pakistan have been answered in a firm and uncompromising azaan. You will not find anyone in Pakistan giving azaan with such jalal! Allahu Akbar!
dear children and members, We are giving you a duty. post the following Azaan on all your own FB accounts and any blogs, sites or channels that you manage. It is an urgent obligatory warning and a glad tiding for the millat of Pakistan and must reach every Pakistani urgently. Difficult and challenging times are coming ahead and we must prepare our nation! Jazak Allah. Zaid Hamid
These are times of great fitnas. Rasul Allah (sm) has extensively warned us of these when system of Dajjal would be dominant. Sheikh Nazim is a faqeer who has warned of great trials, fitnahs and tests in the coming days. Here, he is giving a harsh warning to youth, asking them to mend their ways or face what has been destined! We had to share this with you! Listen to the naseeha!
Theses are called the times of Dajjal and fitnah! That is why we should thank Allah for the blessings and mend our ways as the forces of Dajjal are fully unleashed on Ummat e Rasul (sm) now. Every Muslim land is under attack. The entire Middle East and Pakistan are under wars of various forms. Muslim youth must do collective tauba and change our life styles back to good Muslims!
The life style which this Dajjal system has given to our youth is of American idol, Valentine, Halloween, Cinepax, star plus and sinful night life! For Allah's sake, pull yourself out of it or be buried with it! Now you don't have a choice nor have time! Revert back to Rasul Allah (sm) and be report to Him for duty! You are the last hope of humanity and Ummah! The dajjal is out to get you! Wake up!
The regime change, caretaker government and war with India over water! Allah knows His secrets but he also shares them with His slaves! The geopolitics that we analyze also point towards the same regional scenario! Prepare yourself for great tests, trials and wars! Whatever time we have now is to prepare spiritually, morally and ideologically! Do NOT waste it!
There will now be only two groups -- Hizbullah and Hizb ush shaitan! Make sure you are not on the wrong side of history! This Pakistan is sacred and its Islamic ideology is divine. Now all the fitnah and fasad by the man made kufr systems will be exposed to be rejected once and for all! There will be tests, trials and bloodshed. It has already begun - look around and hear the warning! This is time for tauba!
Shah Faisal Shaheed of Hijaz was last of his noble kind! His desire was to live with dignity and die with honor! Hear him here in his own voice and see why a Muslim King was killed by Zionists! The Ummah and Pakistan is challenged even today and another crusade has begun! Wake up and establish your spiritual link with Rasul Allah (sm). Your time has arrived! Allahu Akbar!
It is Pakistan which stands between Kufr of East and West! The last fortress of Islam is now under attack on all axis -- ideological, economic, social, moral, military and political! The youth of Pakistan are the most formidable custodians of Ideology and identity of this Medina e sani. You have no choice now! The enemies plan your annihilation! Rise and give azaan!
InshaAllah at 9:00 pm pst Zaid Hamid coming live on Radio Ikhlas!
New version of the azaan with more clips and affects! Listen to it carefully and act accordingly! Nation has been warned! Time for duty has arrived. Spread this azzan and revert back to Allah and Deen! The lifestyles, habits, routines and daily affairs need to be changed and brought in line with Sunnah! You have time now, tomorrow you wont!
Inshallah! Watch Syed Zaid Hamid on Duniya TV program Crossfire tonight at 10pm, Foreign Policy of Pakistan and ISI and CIA relations! Program Repeat timings are 1am and 1pm the following day.
Inshallah! Watch Syed Zaid Hamid on Duniya TV program Crossfire tonight at 10pm, Foreign Policy of Pakistan and ISI and CIA relations! Program Repeat timings are 2am and 2pm the following day.
This is an azaan of a faqeer! Speaking truth in front of taghoot and firoun of the time is the greatest jihad! Allahuma Taqabbal Minna ! Allahu Akbar!
Astaghfurullah!, this is the sick and filthy face of MQM now fully exposed in mainstream media as terget killers are arrested and interrogated by Joint investigation team of ISI, IB, Police, Rangers and MI! All murder, rape and target killings lead to MQM, Altaf Hussian and London connections! Altaf Husain now should be booked for treason and rebellion, just as TTP!
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*Tears* - Watch this stunning short video on Ishq e Rasul and feel the soul shaking intensity of this most beautiful mystical love for Rasul Allah (sm). iqbal says "Jahan main Ishq e Mohemmed sey Ujala kar dey", ignite the world with the true love of Rasul Allah (sm). The nation which is ignited with such passion is destined for the promised glory! Allahuma Salle Ala Sayyadna Mohemmedun wa ala alehe wa sallem!
Our English radio interview to Radio Ikhlas UK. Our message to English speaking Muslims and Pakistanis overseas. Your identity is Pakistan. Your ideology is Islam and the only path of Izzat and dignity is to revert back to the romantic ideology for which our elders gave such staggering sacrifices! You have no choice now. Come to Pakistan or be its ambassador!
These 7 minutes will shake your soul, ignite your passion and set you on fire in the love of Rasul Allah (sm) and Medina e Sani! Pakistan is not a country - It is a sacred secret of Allah (swt), the furqan of the time,a bisharat for the Ummah, warning for the munafiqeen and a punishment for the enemies of Rasul Allah (sm)! Allahu Akbar!
Alhamdolillah, another penetrating and powerful azaan e Haq to expose the traitors within our ranks! In a meeting with students from all over the country, ZH reminds us of the forgotten history and our mistakes, so that we do not repeat the blunders again! if Allah (swt) has blessed you with a listening heart, these 60 minutes will change the way you look at politics in Pakistan!
If we can understand this message of Iqbal no power on earth can stop the revival of Islam, establishment of khilafah and Takmeel e Pakistan inshaallah. Th biggest obstruction to establishment of an Islamic system are the Muslims themselves who have forgotten who they are and whose khudi is not alive and who are slaves of their nafs!
The most ruthless war imposed against Pakistan today is the information and Psychological war! The aim of this war is to spread lies, disinformation, sectarian and religious hatred and to create confusions on Pakistan's ideology and identity! While enemy media is expected to do this, we are severely warning Pakistani media which has sold its soul to the devil! Pakistan youth must be aware of this threat!
AKS Radio is a global radio run by Pakistani youth. Here, again, in a facinating candid discusison, ZH discuss his personal life, dutues, passions, Pakistan and Takmeel! Also, answer questions from panelists and listeners. A treat to hear once again, alhamdolillah!
InshAllah, we are speaking on Iqbal day in Lahore on April 21st. Those in Lahore are welcome to join. Ahlan wa Sahlan!
Fidaka ummi wa abbi ya RasulAllah!
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A group photo to preserve this amazing moment, MashAllah |
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Fatiha and hazri at Maqam e baba Iqbal with BrassTacks and DISNA team, MashAllah! |
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DISNA (Dr Iqbal society of North America) was also there with us at this most surreal, spiritual Hazri alhamdolillah! |
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Sitting under the shadows of Baba Iqbal, we had a spiritual sitting discussing the romantic mission, takmeel, message and spirituality of the sacred cause! |
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Grand son of Baba Iqbal Muneeb Iqbal also joined us in this spiritual hazri and discussion. Many of the team members met him for the first time, MashAllah. He looks so much like his Grandfather :)) |
Alhamdolillah, we all did a most blessed hazri at baba Iqbal's, and most mesmerizing was loud zikr of durud sharif whcih all BT team recited together around marqad of baba Iqbal!
MashaAllah! other people also joined in, then explained the meaning of poetry of katba e mazar, after that we had another beautiful sitting with iqbal baba's grandson who joined us too! It was most babarkat hazri, zikr and salam at baba Iqbal's mashaAllah, and dua for ummat e Rasul SAW and Pakistan!
We support the initiative of Imran Khan to mobilize his group to block NATO supplies and to try to prevent Drones strikes! This is a good patriotic move and it has our support. Pakistanis in Peshawar should join the sit-in but must remain peaceful, non-violent and calm. Any violence or protests which lead to unrest and bloodshed would be counter productive. InshAllah Khair!
This is the jalal of a faqeer giving azaan to wake up a nation in slumber! the gift of Iqbal revived once again in an emotional azaan which will shake you to the core! Allahu Akbar! Wake up! These are the very last warnings before this nation will be put in grave tests and trials! There is khair for Pakistan InshAllah. The corrupt religious and political leaders and their followers will pay with their blood!
MashAllah, sharing with you a very cute cartoon animation made by a very young volunteer. Ideological animations are one field where Muslims are lacking behind. We would request all members to come forward if they have these skills and make cartoon videos on our ideology, identity and history. Please contact us if you have these skills or tools. e-mail at: zaidhamid@zaidhamid.pk Jazak Allah.
InshAllah, tonight at 7 to 7:45 UK time, we are appearing live on TAKBEER TELEVISION ( sky 845 ) or ONLINE on www.takbeer.tv
Pakistan time 11 PM tonight inshAllah! Subject is Vision of Iqbal and message to Youth in Europe! Alhamdolillah, our azaan for the sake of Allah, Rasul Allah and Medina e Sani continue!
How truthful is your claim that you love Rasul Allah (sm) and willing to sacrifice all that you have for His honor, love and deen? Now you will be tested!
Our brief interview published in Nawai Waqt today, alhamdolillah! This is a fact that only those Congressi Mullahs are after our blood who are paid by the Indians and have never accepted the ideology of Pakistan!. All those Ashiq e Rasul (sm) Muslims who follow the path of Khulfa e Rashideen, Baba Iqbal, Quaid Azam, Pir Jamaat Ali Shah, Aulia, Fuqara and Mujahideen are with us alhamdolillah!
Alhamdolillah, BrassTacks website is now up and active again after maintainable. It is being upgraded regularly inshAllah. Our short motivational videos are posted on the site and are most powerful tool to spread the message globally and quickly. Make good use of the articles, videos, Magazines, policy papers, pics and analysis! Spread the azaan!
It is the ultimate Excellence "mairaj" of a Momin to be under the pur Nur and ba barkat Nigah kareem of Rasul Allah (sm)! Those are blessed souls who take their orders from the Supreme Commander of the Ummah - Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). The band-a- Momin must strive to reach this excellence. Iqbal and Quaid were on this spiritual station! You can be there too! Adab and Khidmat are the key secrets!
Alhamdolillah, Takbeer TV UK spoke to us on Iqbal and his message for the Muslim youth especially in Europe and in the West! A thought provoking and soul stirring message for the expat Pakistanis!
This is George Galloway exposing the most sinister MI6 asset! He is asking why the British Government allows the campaign of terror to continue in Pakistan from London? This speech should be broadcast all over the world and heard by all Pakistanis. Now we should also ask the British government why are they sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan?
Take one hour out and listen to this amazing azaan and statement of strategy and mission from ZH. people often ask us how do we plan to bring about the change if we are not part of the system? Here is our answer based on detailed historical references and examples from our glorious history! You will also know why the existing system cannot be changed by the present political parties!
Dear members and children, be advised that the page with 101,847 people is FAKE and does NOT belong to us or BrassTacks! Please report it as fake. We have 22k+ members here. It should be enough to shut that page. That page is run by hostiles posing as me. PM the members on that page and inform them of our real page and website www.brasstacks.pk . This is a war we have to fight so lets do it! Khair inshAllah. ZH
Our Official website www.brasstacks.pk has the link to this official and real FB page. This would confirm to you that page with 101,847 members is fake and they are using exactly our same posts mixed with dirty language and lies to confuse the youth. BrassTacks DO NOT ask for donations!!! That page is run by enemies of Pakistan who want to distract the youth from us. Do your duty and spread this message globally!
Alhamdolillah, This Pakistan is one of the greatest secrets of Allah (swt). The munaiqeen, traitors and Kuffar would use propaganda, Waswasa, Afwah and lies to confuse and discourage the youth of this Ummat e Rasul (sm). The enemies would come as traitors within and enemies in the open! Wallah, they will be humiliated as Allah (swt) protects this Medina e Sani! Watch this azaan!
BrassTacks April Magazine is now almost ready! This is one of the most critical Magazines to expose the Ideological Subversion and Media war against Pak Sarzameen! The entire psychological war and disinformation campaign has been exposed in a fierce manner, alhamdolillah! Now all our BT Magazines would also be on our official website www.brasstacks.pk .
Listen to this azaan carefully and open your hearts, minds and eyes to know the enemies around you! Momin is NOT stupid. Momin cannot be fooled twice! Momin's firasat and vision is guided by the Divine light! Information warfare is the most ruthless war against Ummat e Muslimah today! Wakeup and take your battle stations!
He was arrested last week. this is the original interrogation video under the custody of Joint interrogation Team of ISI, MI, IB, Police and CPLC! This is the reality of MQM -- another Mukti Bahini in the making planning to divide Pakistan through Indian help as they did in East Pakistan! If you still don't wake up, don't blame anyone else for what MQM will do to you next!!!! Truth has come to you now!
Alhamdolillah, we are launching another personal website of ZH atwww.zaidhamid.pk . This is in addition to our original site www.brasstacks.pk The new website zaidhamid.pk is under construction and here we are only giving you a taste of it. It is delicately designed with passion to represent all our mission, Takmeel, aims, strategy, goals and sublime spirituality. May Allah accept our humble efforts!
We would strongly urge you to register yourself at the PRING SMS Alert for direct SMS Alerts, Messages, Comments and Updates. This is a powerful alternate network forum for us to reach you directly on your cell. IT IS COMPLETELY FREE. Spread the word and encourage your friends and family also.
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