This is the written destiny we have to strive to achieve, InshAllah! All the great fuqara, aulia and visionaries have given the bisharat which our baba Iqbal brought to us! Here, we bring them to you, alhamdolillah, to revive your faith in your ideology, identity and destiny! MashAllah, you are the most blessed generation born and have been given an amazing destiny to achieve! Never doubt this!
Our June Magazine is now almost out, alhamdolillah. The critical issue deals with the greatest regional threat for Asia and gives solid practical reasons why the Zionist state of India must be dismembered. This one is really going to set the Indian Zionists on fire :) The issue also deals with gold economy as future of the world and also has our memoirs of Afghan Jihad. The soft copy will be uploaded also, InshAllah!
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A hand written quran hundreds of years old displayed in the King Abdul Aziz library. There is a treasure of such "Makhtootat" or hand written books in the archives. |
Children, whenever you travel in dunya, search for signs of Allah (swt), search your great history, visit libraries and find old treasures of knowledge, find learned people and aulia in that place and learn from them and take their dua and knowledge. The tourism also becomes Jihad and source of ajr e khair if done with the sincere niyat of gaining knowledge and then sharing this ilm with Ummah!
This is our strategy, our policy, our vision and our duty towards Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Medina e Sani! Listen to it over and over again and absorb every word into your soul for you will be tested very soon and will be called to duty! In these times of tests and trials, you will not get many chances! You have been called to duty on information warfare front now. Do it with courage, grace and sincerity!
This was one of the most exciting moment we experienced today. calling it Thrilling is an understatement. Riding in the Arabian desert on a beautiful Arabian horse one transcends the history and enters the Qurun e Aula, the golden age when Muslim armies marched out of Arabia! It was a mystical experience, Mashllah!
ECONOMIC TERRORISM BOOK in URDU. The Economic Terrorism book in Urdu by Syed Zaid Hamid sb is now available. It is a comprehensive analysis of Riba based modern banking system, origins of paper currency, fractional reserve banking and its impact on destruction of humanity through global enslavement. IT IS A MUST READ BOOK. Available now in PAKISTAN for 200 rupees (including tcs charges). Call 03214461344 or 03224110667.
Alhamdolillah, we have returned to our beloved Medina e Sani Pakistan after our very serene visit to Haramain and Hijaz. Feeling very happy and very tired :)) . InshAllah shall be available for meetings from Monday! Not just that we presented ourselves to Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), we also met amazing people from around the world and saw our heritage and history. InshAllah, khair will come from this!
This is what we stand for! This is what we live and die for inshAllah! Khilafat ala Minhaj un Nubuwwat, United states of Islam, Ghazwa e Hind and uniting the Ummah under Medina e Sani! The greatest of changes are brought about by the finest of visions and ideologies taken up by most passionate romantic dreamers who have the courage to change the destiny and challenge the kufr of the time!
Only the blind, deaf and dumb cannot see that this Pak Sarzameen is Medina e sani, sacred land under the shadows of Allah and Rasul Allah (sm). Those with vision, baseerat and bisarat continue to give their azaan. Read this soul moving article by Orya sahib and learn to respect this land of parcham e sitara o Hilal!
We refuse to live with humiliation any more. We shall live with dignity and inshallah when the time come - would die with honour. We want to live in peace but not at the cost of our dignity, faith, honor and lands. If they want to live in peace with muslims, they should first leave our lands. We assure them peacefull co-existance then. If they continue to occupy our lands, humiliate our faith, rape our sisters and enslave our future, we shall resist with all what we have got. We are not hate mongers nor desire war. We just want to live as per our faith, with dignity and respect.
Pakistan, this Medina e Sani, is the last fortress of the Muslim Ummah. We know our role and duty as well as the destiny. Inshallah, this menifest destiny awaits the shaheens of Iqbal!! Pakistan Zindabaad!
While we sit and sleep comfortably in our cozy homes, dont ever forget that our sons and brothers are fighting a most fierce war to protect us and Pak Sarzamneen. Pakistan is under attack in a total 4th Generation war from FATA to Karachi. CIA/RAW have joined hands to create insurgent and terorrist gangs. Only force defending Pakistan today is Pak army, by the grace of Allah! Watch this!!
(The original link has been removed so its the alternate one)
InshAllah, these 9 minutes will shake your soul, enlighten your vision, increase your wisdom, strengthen your faith, clear your concepts, purify your heart and give you the courage and the dignity to be the instrument of Allah and Rasul Allah (sm). This is our misison, our duty, our passion, our purpose of existance! Join the caravan!
At 4:10pm today, InshAllah, we are going to be live on DM Digital Tv UK.
Alhamdolillah, the spiritual intelligence about Pak sarzameen is now more sharper and clearer even for the ordinary people to see. Now those who have always oposed this medina e sani are destined for humiliation and defeat with every passing day. Read this fascinating article by Orya sahib and align yourself to be on the right side of history! MashAllah!
Our program on ARY was a hard hitting program in defence of Pakistan and against the hostile anti army policies of PML(N). The entire PML(N) case in politics and against army was destroyed, alhamdolillah. PML(N) seems to be exerting all the pressure on ARY to delay or cancell the airing of our program. It seems that even today, they will not air our program! Khair inshAllah
ARY has just announced that they are showing it at 12 midnight Pakistan time, alhamdolillah. ARY was brought under intence pressure to air it by our volunteers. Alhamdolilah, it seems that the management has given in. Lets see if they do it this time or run some other program.
ARY did not show the full program in Pakistan. ending was powerfull but was edited out. Please try to watch the repeat and record the full program if they show. we are uploading the recorded program whatever we have. InshAllah, we will catch the full program later. Alhamdolillah, PML(N), government, media and even judiciary was given a comprehensive responce!!
Yes, We Got the full program, almost !! It has the ending which they had edited out though this is still not complete. Watch the ending where we destroyed the entire PML(N) argument on commisions against army!! In this time of war, these politicians play games with the Ummah! By Allah, we will defend Pakistan on all battle fronts InshAllah!
Dear children, Please write either in proper Urdu or in English. Not in roman urdu. We must not encourage this destruction of Urdu language. We are stuck with using roman Urdu on sms or small e-mails or words but do not use this as medium to write serious notes, translation of Quran and hadees or to do conversations. Let’s be firm here to protect Urdu as it should be.
This is the reality of 2012 phobia! The system of Dajjal preparing for a new global system of Kufr. Rasul Allah (sm) had warned us about it. Muslims are the only people who have the ideology, spirituality and the divine strength to fight and defeat this system and to save the humanity. Pakistan is the last frontier, not just for Islam but also for humanity! That is why all Dajjali forces are against Pakistan!!
اردو زبان کی حفاظت ہماری دینی اور قومی زممیداری ہے ، اپنی گفتگو زیادہ سے زیادہ اردو میں کریں. اردو کی کتابیں پڑھیں اور اردو لکھنے کی مشق کرتے رہیں. انشاللہ چند روز میں اردو بہتر ہو جائگی .
This website can help you start writing in urdu through roman urdu. This is kind of cheating :) but we can start to use urdu more through this. you type in roman and press space and the word is translated into Urdu. then you can copy paste here. But also learn to type directly in Urdu. there are many softwares for this now. Lets make a serious effort to revive Urdu!
When we went to Peshawar last year, the city of tigers and lions, the fasadi Mullahs and ANP traitors tried to block our program. But the patriotic and true Muslim Pashtuns threw out the fasadis and we held our program in grace and dignity. This private video is a proof how ideology of Takmeel e Pakistan is loved by the people and youth of Peshawar!
You are invited. InshAllah, Sunday in Sir Syed Memorial hall G5, Islamabad, DISNA Rawalpindi/ Islamabad Launch. Zaid Hamid, Munib Iqbal & Brig. Iqbal Shafi are among the confirmed speakers inshaAllah. For queries, please contact Rizwan Warraich: 0308-4443457 or Noman Bokhari: 0300-8445770.
These are the snakes who were oposed to Pakistan then and are oposed to Takmeel e Pakistan now. Just listen at 2:26 onwards. These are called Congressi mullahs and traitors who have decided to side with the Hindu Congress and even today are most vehemently opose Takmeel e Pakistan mission. These are the enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen!
Alhamdolillah, we had an amazing program in Islamabad Sir Syed Memorial society hall today to launch DISNA. Real passionate lovers of Rasul Allah and Pakistan came to listen to the magic of Iqbal! Program was well attended by Iqbal lovers, MashAllah. Pics and videos will be uploaded soon InshAllah! Few congressi fasadis came to disrupt the program but now they are spending their shab e barat in Jail :))
Only the greatest of men write destinies through the spiritual powers gifted to a Banda e Momin! Be the instruments of Allah and Rasul Allah (sm) and carve the destiny you desire for this Ummah! This Pakistan is a sacred blessed land and you are the inhritors of this sacred sabz hilali banner which is now the last frontier of this Ummah! Hold this flag high and tght!
Remember that the biggest weapon of Kufr is "Afwah", spreading rumors, which create "Waswasa", doubts in your hearts! Quran says that they put waswasa in your hearts and use Afwah to stop the spread of Noor of Allah! Be carefull! Those against Takmeel, Ghazwa e Hind, Khilafat e Rashida, United states of Islam are all agents of Dajjal! It is your duty to know these enemies!
These shaitans will use media, newspapers, even Masjid to spread hatred against Pakistan, Takmeel, Ghazwa e Hind, Khilafat e Rashida, Pakistan army & United states of Islam. They will come as journalists, Ulama e soo, politicians and liberals. When they cannot attack the sacred misison, they will spread lies about the faqeer giving azaan & holding the sabz hilali parcham! Be carefull. Shaitan wait in ambush!
Alhamdolillah, we are giving azaan for the last 4 years, have done thousands of programs, lectures, writeups and videos and all our idealogy, vision, mission and belief is crystal clear alhamdolillah. We have chosen our path and we offer no apologies. We may have faults but the mission is sacred. Those who opose this sacred mission are either wise enemies or naive friends! Allah does not need both!
Everyday, the forces of Dajjal would come out with more lies, Afwah and bohtan on the misison and the faqeer. We will NOT respond. We have chosen our path to live with dignity and die with honor. We are a humble jamaat of Ummat e Rasul (sm) who have raised the flag of glory of Islam If you still have doubts, then wait till Allah decides. All Kufr want to destroy our mission. Do NOT join them!
Alhamdolillah, our azaan at the launch of Dr. Iqbal Society of North America's Islamabad chapter in Sir Syed Memorial hall in Islamabad. The time for Iqbal's magical and emotional message has come once again! Blessed are those who are chosen to absorb its essence and then rise to create the new world based on Sharia, Adab e Rasul and love of Ummat e Rasul! Rise, your time has come!
Never ever forget your troops fighting on the borders to defend the Pak sarzameen. While we live in comfort of our homes, these brave sons of Ummate Rasul (sm) fight the Indian and CIA backed terrorists to destroy the Neo-Cons game plan to Balkanize Pakistan! Watch these 15 minutes to know what it means to be a soldier!
Video Made a year ago! This is the future, InshAllah! You have been given the glad tidings. Be part of it with all your strength, wealth and knowledge. There will be unfortunate souls who would be chosen to oppose this azaan. Even more unfortunate would be those who join this sacred mission but would be seperated because of their gustakhi and Be-adabi! Rise and Say Labbaik!!
Zaid Hamid recently spoke in Sir Syed Memorial society in Islamabad on Allama Iqbal. This clip is how he started and ended the emotional speech. Our duty is to give Azaan, Takbeer and Salat or Salam on Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)! We will continue to give our azaan, InshAllah in the love of Sayyadna Rasul Allah and Ummat e Rasul (sm).
Concept of Ishq e Rasul (sm) is not an issue of debate. It is an honourable, dignified, serene and sacredly mysterious lifestyle! Those who truly live by Ishq e Rasul (sm) have the atributes of a Banda e Momin having Faqr e Ghayyur! Claiming that we love Rasul Allah (sm) is easy. Proving it through tests of fire, sword and blood is the real challange! Listen to this to know what this actually means!
Surprise ! :) InshaAllah at 8pm, Watch Zaid Hamid on PTV program "News Night". Topic : Pak-US relations.
We have recieved a stunning photo! We are varyfying its source as it has appeared on a Pakistani website. This seems totally real and supports other proofs that we have seen of Indian involvement in FATA. According to the website report A TTP base was over run by Pakistani forces and this Indian flag was recovered from it. We dont doubt its authenticity!
Alhamdolillah, our todays powerfull azaan on PTV was a gift from Allah (swt). We used the State TV to blast the US plans against Pakistan and Afghanistan and exposed their sinister plans against Pakistan. It is time that we ask the Americans "Are you with us or against us" and then do with them what we did to the Soviets! Unless we stabalzie Afghanistan, Pakistan can never be at peace! CIA, you have been warned!!!
InshAllah, program will be repeated on PTV at 1 Pm PST Monday just after the 1pm news. InshAllah, we shall upload the recording also soon. The program gives the comprehensive solution to all security problems of Pakistan which are emerging from Afghanisan! Do try to catch it.
Alhamdolillah, these 17 minutes shook the CIA, NATO, Americans and RAW! Coming from the State TV, our Azaan e Haq represented the spirit, mood, strategy and future vision of the Pakistani nation! This is time to send a firm warning message to the enemies -- Back off and don't mess with Pakistan!
He was a tiger of Rasul Allah (sm)! He roared at a time when there was dead silence in the entire Ummah and no one defended the honor of Ummat e Rasul (sm). When he spoke, the entire Kufr trembled with fear and awe! He snatched this Medina e Sani from the Jaws of Zionists, a feat considered impossible back then! Listen to him and absorb his Azaan in your soul! His message for you today!
August 14th is close. BT is making special emotional videos to ignite the passion of freedom! The video posted below has two rare speeches of Quaid which are extremly critical for present times. Spread them like wildfire. Post them on your FB's, make ring tones, send to all you know. Pakistan must stand united and you must do your duty to defend its ideology and identity! Join the battle to defend Pakistan!
Alhamdolillah, Watch Zaid Hamid sahib tonight on Dunya News at 8pm PST in Program of Asma Chaudry. It is a fiery topic: Role of religious groups in terrorism in Pakistan! Both religious leaders and secular pro-Indian analysts would be on the panel, InshAllah. InshAllah, khair for Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Pak Sarzameen!
These are only the parts where we spoke. Our todays program on Dunya News. Alhamdolillah, another missile launched against enemies of Pakistan and Ummat e Rasul (sm)!
India and US/NATO are fully backing the wars inside Pakistan. Thousands of tons of ammonition, rifles, mortars and anti aircraft guns are being captured from the RAW backed TTP combatants. MashAllah, our tigers from the Pak army continue to blast Zionist designs and are clearing Pak Sarzameen from this fitnah. Defending Medina a Sani today is the most sacred Ibadat! Pak army, stay blessed!!
Dear All, our website www.brasstacks.pk is down for maitainance, you should keep visiting our other official site www.zaidhamid.pk for latest updates.
Alhamdolillah, more amazing glad tidings from Allah (swt). Never ever doubt your destiny nor this Pak Sarzameen. This Pakistan is the furqan of the time. The mission is sacred. Spread the message of hope, dignty and courage. Allahu Akbar. Now no more warnings to enemies of Pak sarzameen. Their have been measured, tested, trialed and now convicted. Their punishments will be executed soon, InshAllah!
BrassTacks do not accept donations. But our halal rizq comes from selling our professioal security services. BT Situation reports are most reliable source of knowledge on Pakistan's national security situaiton. Produced weekly in soft copy, these are high end paid services for governments, corporate business and think tanks only. You may circulate the word and assist us to spread the message and sustain the mission.
Allah will send you another "Quaid Azam", InshAllah. But first, we have to be worthy of this karam and be prepared to honor such a gift. Allah will never send another such leader to an ungratful nation. Revive the Iqbal's serene message to become a nation of shaheens with Faqr e Ghayyur and a revived Khudi, so that Allah may desire to send his blessings. InshAllah, He will soon!
Please use this email ID's to send me mails directly.
Wassalam and dua always. ZH
We are being asked different questions like whom should we vote for in the next elections? Can Imran Khan bring the change? Whom can we trust? Our reply is: When the time comes, we will let you know. Elections would be fatal for the country now when the corrupt and the terrorists dominate. Allah has His own plans. Pakistan is in a state of war and demon-cracy is a curse. Just watch as destiny unfolds, InshAllah!
The political parties r treacherous. None of them believe in ideology of Pakistan or are practicing Muslims, mostly based on ethnic and sectarian lines. In the last elections, they planted 20 million fake votes to create results of their choice and we got this paleed "Demon'Cracy"! Do not be naive! Even if you all vote, the Dajjal will still plant millions of fake votes to bring more ghaddars! Elections are fatal!
Our duty is to warn the nation and give azaan for the sake of Allah and Rasul Allah (sm). If you listen, there will be khair. If not, do not forget that East Pakistan was also broken after an election which was heavily influenced by India and CIA. We must clean Pakistan first -- Corruption and Terorrism are the cancers! Cleaning can only be done when army and Supreme Court join hands to enforce fierce justice!
If elections take place, Allah forbid, you will be severely dejected and heartbroken. Then there would be anarchy in the country. Then time for tauba would be gone and time for punishment would begin. We are warning you clearly -- Elections under this paleed Dajjal system will humiliate Pakistan, our ideology, faith and you will become Yugoslavia! Stop being blind, for Allah's sake! Have you not learnt yet?
Alhamdolillah, great khair is comming for Pakistan and this will NOT come from rigegd elections. Don't lose your focus! Elections is a useless debate. Be warned! Focus on defending Pakistan now and Takmeel Mission. We are in a state of war and army needs our support. This election facade has been created to further divide the nation. Change is comming but not through this filthy system, InshAllah!
Those who claim to follow Iqbal should also remember that Baba Iqbal said democracy is a curse and a cruel tyrinical system whose face seems bright and you think it will bring freedom but in reality it is more cruel than Changez Khan! He also said that Dictatorship is given another name by Iblees and called it democracy!! We will fight this curse of democracy! You have democracy today!! have you not learnt?
Now let us be blunt here! Imran is a sincere man but he cannot do a damn thing in this filthy system! Elections will be massivly rigged. You cannot control that. Imran can never get absolute majority and will have to share with traitors and paleed parties destroying himself and his izzat. He should back Supreme Court and army to clean the system ruthlessly first! Else, there would be disgrace!
Having said all that, we remain fiercely focussed on our ideological, spiritual, political and military awareness misison to create the destiny we want for our Medina e Sani and Ummat e Rasul (sm). Wallahi, we do NOT depend upon this Dajjal system to decide our fate! InshAllah, we will create our own destiny, write new history as we dare to dream and then achieve what others consider impossible! HasbunAllah!
اگرچے بت ہیں جماعت کی آستینوں میں ، مجھے ہے حکم ازاں
Today, our enemies are trying to divide the millat on ethnic, linguistic and sectarian lines. Though the entire nation is in crisis, their focus is very strong in Karachi and Sindh. The people of Karachi are the most patriotic Muslims but are being kept hostage by terrorist gangs who are waging an urban war against Pak Sarzameen. Here is our special message for the people of Sindh and Karachi. InshAllah Khair!
Our present generation of youth are the most blessed generation of this Ummah today. They have the land called Medina e Sani, they have the spiritual ideology which is sublime, they have the sabz Hilali identity which is the reflection of Subz Gumbad, they have the will, courage and spiritual powers to achieve the impossible! We love you our children!
Allahu Akbar! You may not believe this but US government may go bankrupt in the next 48 hours, InshAllah. Watch BBC. After spending nearly $2 triilion on useless wars, the US govt officially does not have money to even pay to the soldiers. Apple computers have more cash available than US govt!! Allah has destroyed another super power in the gorges of Afghanistan, Alhamdolillah!
This is the Commander in Chief of the US forces. He is breaking the heart breaking news to his troops that their country may abandon them in the middle of the war! As the economic meltdown burns away the US economy, US war efforts are being crippled in Afghanistan. InshAllah, now US cannot threaten Pakistan. It is time to bury them in Afghanistan and block their supply routes. Allahu Akbar!
Obama regime is desperate to seek more loans. They may get a relief of just a few more months but the reality is that now their Riba based fake paper currency banking system is crashing down and they cannot stop this disaster! InshAllah, in the next few months, you may start to see actual demise and disintagraiton of the United States as many states decide to break away as dollar collapse!
Alhamdolillah, US's economy is crashing down and they cannot threaten us anymore InshAllah. But it is not the time to celebrate yet. One major enemy of Muslims have been weakned but not totally destroyed yet and we still have a war at hand where Hindu zionists continue to attack Pakistan. We can never be relaxed. Remain on your battle stations and defend Pak Sarzameen! Mission Takmeel still demands great sacrifices!
Iqbal had warned that this zionist system will commit suicide with its own dagger! But for us, we have a sacred mission to achieve. Create a system of Khilafat e Rashida, establish real wealt based Islamic economic model, prepare for Ghazwa e Hind, unite the Muslims in USI and defend this Pak sarzameen against all enemies, internal and external. Alhamdolillah, fitnah of US has been dealt by Allah Himself!
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