Alhamdolillah, another new Blogspot for BrassTacks which has all the latest updates, articles, movies and programs! Pl spread the word and keep visiting for latest policy papers and Magazine articles. Jazak Allah
They have already imposed a war upon us. The process has begun! They have started the war. Now, InshAllah, we will finish it for them and for good!! The decentralized which the India has imposed would lead to a high intensity war in the coming days. We had warned them not to mess with us. Their arrogance has made them deaf, dumb and blind. Now the destiny would unfold... Be part of it or be swept by it!!Allahu Akbar!
We have chosen our path, our destiny, our journey! We invite you on this romantic mission. Those who wish to join and sacrifice, their ajar remains with Allah alone. Those who decide to oppose this azaan and be on the wrong side of history, their fate is also in the hands of Allah! We will do our duty, no matter what the cost! May Allah Accept our humble offerings and azaan!
Those team members interested in our latest and cutting edge policy papers may regularly visit our newest blog on this address. This is a powerful collection of serious strategic and defense analysis papers for you to understand the regional and global geo-politics. Educate yourself to see through the media lies and deceptions! Spread the papers globally!
This is our strategy, our policy, our vision and our duty towards Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Medina e Sani! Listen to it over and over again and absorb every word into your soul for you will be tested very soon and will be called to duty! In these times of tests and trials, you will not get many chances! You have been called to duty on information warfare front now. Do it with courage, grace and sincerity!
Alhamdolillah, this was our most powerful azaan on a global forum within the anti-Israeli, anti-zionist thinkers, activists and politicians of the world. The state terrorism of India, US and Israel was exposed powerfully and the new sinister "great game" of changing the geography of Muslim lands was exposed by us! We met many global players and Pakistan's point of view was powerfully projected! alhamdolillah!
Alhamdolillah our azaan is now reaching the ears of some of the most powerful men in the region. InshAllah, The khair and barakah Allah will bring from this would benefit the entire Ummah and humanity which is fighting for justice and peace in the world. Enemy wants to divide the Ummah on geography, castes, ethnicity, sects and languages! InshAllah, our duty is to unite the Ummah!
Do you know that in the last 3 days, over 40 soldiers and officers of Pakistani armed forces have died bravely defending Medina e Sani against Indian backed Kharji Takfiris TTP terrorists attacking from Afghanistan! While we remain busy in our daily lives, our brave sons and brothers are fighting and dying with honor and dignity to keep us protected. Never ever betray them! Our solute to our sons!
If you heart is alive, Iqbal's soul shaking azaan will ignite your Qalb and Nigah! In the coming tests and trials, our most strongest weapon would be our faith ad ideology ! The time to know Iqbal is now. Hear his azaan and open your hearts and souls as now very soon you will be called to duty!
By Allah, when the Faqr e Ghayyur awakens in the youth and the eagles of Iqbal rise to give azaan and implement it with passion, sincerity and Ishq, this Pak Sarzameen will rise in ONE night!! This may seem a fantasy to the skeptical and to those in doubt but this destiny is a reality to the Mard e Azaad who has Nigah buland, sukhan dilnawaz and Jaan pur suz! The time for this idea has come! Allahu Akbar!
Alhamdolillah, another site where all our BrassTacks Magazines are available for downloads. Spread these far and wide. All our 12 Magazines and other papers are available, InshAllah!
When we exposed them immediately after the Mumbai, they called us conspiriciy theorists. Jew TV even made a video "proving" that so called Ajmal is a Pakistani from Punjab. Then Allah proved us right again and humiliated the idol worshiping zionists! alhamdolillah. Now it is in their face - but they remain shameless and arrogant plotting more drama to blame Pakistan! Liars!!
"We will punish them so hard that the Americans will forget Vietnam" -- these are the words of a Mujahideen song in Afghanistan! These are rare and unseen footage on mainstream media! Afghan resistance is blasting the invaders while the US and NATO are turning the country into a massive graveyard!! These crimes against humanity are never seen before. Also, see how US are facing ultimate humiliation!! MashAllah!!
U.S. defeat, heinous War Crimes in Afghanistan uncovered by Mujahideen (link removed, no alternatr link)
Alhamdolillah, after our meeting with President Ahmadinejad and our gifts of BrassTacks Magazines and CD's to him, this is the first powerful statement from him on exactly using our words. Iranian leadership now understands the US and Zionist game in the region. Iranian Supreme Leader Khamnei had also used the word "Zionists" for Indians, a term devised by BrassTacks, Alhamdolillah!
Our finest sons and brothers are dying with dignity everyday defending this Pak Sarzameen Medina e Sani! Never ever betray them or their sacrifices by insulting or humiliating the army which has produced such sons! We stand firmly alongside our army. The present war imposed upon Pakistan is an urban war where the youth and the patriots will have fight alongside armed forces. Stay united and stand firm!
Allahu Akbar! They are furious on our Iran visit and are openly acknowledging that it is us who have changed the policies of Iranian leadership!! alhamdolillah, their hasad is burning their own system and policies while our azaan penetrates and destroys the system of Kufr!! In their hate, they are promoting our ideology, mission, vision and duty, alhamdolillah!
Well, so was this the speech which got the attention of the Iranian leadership in Tehran? :) What we discussed afterward is also interesting but we shall keep the enemies guessing for now :). But this speech indeed forms the basis of our argument about the Zionist policies in the region. Alhamdolillah, our azaan did penetrate the hearts and will help to unite the Ummah against all threats -- internal and external!
InshaAllah, watch Zaid Hamid at 8 pm on ARY News with Dr. Danish on Karachi incident, judicial failure, anti army propaganda and threats to Paksitan.
This is our azaan!! We sent a strong message to the Supreme Court and also gave our total support to the armed forces. Also, the traitors in politics and media should know that we are noting each and every treason of theirs and they will be taken to task for their betrayal of Pak Sarzameen! By Allah, we will defend this land and its ideology at all costs and sacrifices!
Listen to this again! Allah is watching and the nation is noting the names of the traitors who are hissing like snakes today. The rulers and their corrupt sinister allies in media must understand that when wrath of Allah will come upon them, there will be no mercy for those who have sold Pakistan's honor and dignity for few coins! The wrath of the nature would be swift and ruthless! Traitors have been warned!
All Saleh Rijaal give bisharat about the destiny that await Pakistan. Only the blid, deaf, dumb and the ignorant cannot see and chose to be on the wrong side of history! Dont make the mistake of harming Pakistan or demoralizing the nation. Allah will over run those who resist this destiny! InshAllah, we will will see and be the instruments of this great glory!
Alhamdolillah, our Farsi blog is now also operational to spread our azaan in the entire persian speaking world. Spread this site to all your friends in persian speaking world. Our first paper is on Hindu Zionism and its threat to the region and Pakistan! Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar -- Pakistani old F-16's "shoot down" Latest British Eurofighters, not one, not 2 but 3 times in air to air combat!!!! British are shocked !!! InshAllah, when the time for real battles comes, NATO, US and Indians would also be rudely shocked by our falcons!!! Our message to the Zionists -- don't mess with Pakistani nation!
Today is the 2nd shahadat anniversary of one of the youngest shaheed officers of Pakistan army - Lt. Faiz Sultan! It was an emotional moment today when we gathered with his family to launch his diaries written just before his noble death in action fighting against the Indian backed TTP kharjees. By Allah, we have not forgotten our shaheeds nor forgiven our enemies! Our swords are drawn now!
Nation and history is noting their names. In their rage against army, PML(N) has now also literally gone insane. NS says Pakistan should stop treating India as biggest enemy, wants Karachi to become a province, is launching most severe attack on army when we are in a state of war, supporting BLA and their crimes against Pakistan and have gone silent over India's blocking our water! Is this stupidity or treason?
Yes, we are passing through greatest of tests and trials but these are the moments which bring the true potential of a momin! Greatest of glory awaits us but we have to go through the tests of fire and sword. Our finest sons will nourish this land with their blood only then our tauba will be acceptable! This is time to rise and awaken others! Our duty has begun! Don't be left behind!
Traitors within the country are now launching a new propaganda against Pakistan's defense budget. When Pakistan is at war, we need more resources for the armed forces not a cut in weapons! India spends more than Pakistan's entire budget on its weapons. Pakistan spends just under 25% of its national budget not 60% of budget as lies are spread by the enemies. Muslims can go hungry but never compromise on our weapons!
Understand the Raaz of Allah (swt). KNow His wisdom and be His instrument. You are the most blessed generation for you are sent in the most blessed land for a most sacred duty! Today, this Pak Sarzameen is the furqan of the time! Never betray this land or its ideology! You will only have one chance to prove your mettle! Be worthy of this honor! May Allah be with you always -- This Medina e Sani calls you to duty!
These are the the finest sons this ummat and nation have produced! By Allah they have walked a path of glory and we swear to follow them for the sake of Ummat e Rasul (sm). Blessed are the mothers who produced such sons. Blessed are the sisters who raised these brothers. Blessed is the nation which have these tigers in its armed forces! Stay blessed soldiers! we love you!
Pakistan is one of the most fascinating secrets of Allah (swt). Allama Iqbal, the most razdaar of faqeers who knew these secrets and have shared them with the Ummah! In this amazing program, we cover the predictions, glad tidings and the secrets about Muslim Ummah, Pakistan and the glory which awaits us if we follow the path of Ishq e Rasul (sm). This will put you in awe!
Dear children, your battle station to defend Pakistan Sarzameen is your computer. Your theater of operation is the World Wide Web! Each on of you can change the nation's destiny and create a fascinating future by being a soldier of Rasul Allah (sm). Report on duty to Sayyadi Rasul Allah and spread this azaan globally! Post all our videos and messages on your FB's, sites and blogs! Take the war to the enemy...
Enemies of Pakistan often make fun that our Takmeel e Pakistan Jalsa in Lahore in 2010 was attended by around 313 people only! The greatest Jalsa of Muslim League was in 1930 in Allahabad in which Iqbal gave vision of Tameer e Pakistan! Do you know how many Muslims attended? only around 313!!! It is the greatness of the vision, passion and sincerity that Allah accepts, not number of people in attendance!
Children, summer vacations have begun. DO NOT waste your time. Time for test is close. Prepare yourself spiritually, physically and mentally. Read Iqbal and watch our programs on his ideology, Read these books -- Martin Lings Life of Muhemmed (sm), Naseem Hijazi, Qudrutullah Shahab's, Mumtaz Mufti, Ashfaq Ahmad, Wasif Ali Wasif, The Sword of Allah by Lt Gen A I Akram, Awaz e dost by Mukhtar Masud!
Also, you must try to learn new languages -- Improve your Urdu, learn Farsi, Arabic and Turkish. This would almost cover the entire Muslim world. An urdu speaking person can learn reasonably good Farsi in just 3 months! Arabic may take a little longer. We spend almost 16 years just to do O levels or Matric. Just 6 months of study can teach us a new Muslim language. Make it a priority and learn!
Pakistan was attacked from 3 sides today. Indian crossed into our seas, NATO violated our air space and TTP/Afghan army attacked from ground! The national media and fifth columnists in politics also continue to attack army. Judiciary have totally collapsed to defend Pakistan. Army is now totally surrounded by traitors and enemies! Stand with your army NOW or be ready to see Indians and TTP in your homes!
Those who are attacking General Kayani and DG ISI and army are either simple fools or paid traitors! The national economy is collapsed. We are surrounded by external and internal enemies. Our own government, media, political parties and judiciary have betrayed the nation! If there is anyone giving blood in defending Pakistan today it is army! Army is fighting alone today, still giving tough time to CIA/RAW/TTP!
India has gone to war or have supported terrorism in every regional country. Hindu Zionists have broken Pakistan and support insurgencies even today. They have destroyed Sri Lanka by supporting Tamil Tigers for 30 years! Indians have gone to war with China and create terrorism in BD, Tibet, Nepal and Burma. It is time that we cut India to size! India is already breaking apart! Lets give them a parting kick!
Bal Thakrey is the most rabid fascist genocidal Hindu Zionist responsible for burning alive thousands of Muslims, women and children in Gujarat, Babri Masjid, Sanjhota express and thousands of anti-Muslim riots! He is not a human but a monster! He is Asma Jahangir's guru. She is paying her respects to this snake, then comes back to Pakistan to attack Pakistan's ideology, Islam and Pak army! Astaghfurullah!
The entire Indian strategy to project themselves as super power are based on lies, deceptions and propaganda for which they hire their own bollywood spin and lie machines. India is NOT shining! It is actually stinking ! It is breaking up on all axis! Over 500 million Indians poop in the open grounds and the country is the world's biggest toilet :) and now the bomb-shell - India even lied on their nuclear bombs!!!!
Today, I met a group of very young army officers wounded in war defending this Sabz Hilali parcham. One had both his legs amputated. Other was almost blind as a bullet had hit him in the head. They were young, proud, dignified and content. It was such an honor to meet these sons and brothers! They all asked me " Sir, why do people speak against us? ". I only had tears. I wish our nation could understand their worth!
Nothing is impossible for Banda e Momin! He is not bound by destiny. He is bound by orders of Allah alone! He creates his own destiny against all odds, against all impossibilities! This is the secret of Pur Israr Mard e Azad with Faqr e Ghayyur! You have this noor within you as well. Discover it by reviving your khudi, self respect, dignity and honor! Your excellence is to be under the wings of Rasul Allah (sm)!
You can download Naimat Ullah Shah Wali Predictions book from http://brasstacks-media.blogspot.com/. Team BT
Insha'Allah, there's the brightest of futures for Pakistan, be a part of it. And there is dignity and glory in it for all.
Lecture on Ishq Rasul (SM) and Adab e Rasul (SM), on Jamia Rizwia Zia ul Uloom. A beautiful gift for the Muslim Ummah, Alhamdolillah!
Alhamdolillah, we arrived in Medina Munawwara today. It is always intoxicating to be in Diyar e Nabi (sm) MashAllah. In Haram Makkah, we begged Allah (swt) for mercy and maghfirat. In Medina Awwal, we carry with us salat o salam of the Ummat and of Medina e Sani for our Sayyadi Murshidi! MashAllah, you are all represented here in love and adab and your salam will be presented with Ishq and love! InshAllah khair!
Listen to this and ponder deep! This is our future, our destiny, our ideology! Inshallah
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These old buildings remind us of a tragic forgotten history. The Trans Hijaz railways was a fascinating project of the Ottoman Turks in the last days of the Khilafat. |
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These old buildings remind us of a tragic forgotten history. The Trans Hijaz railways was a fascinating project of the Ottoman Turks in the last days of the Khilafat. |
InshALLAH Pakistan will lead the Muslim world under UNITED STATES OF ISLAM which will be made on the model of Khalfat-e-Rashida as declared in Takmeel-e-Pakistan Resolution -- Team Brasstacks
It is the ultimate Excellence "mairaj" of a Momin to be under the pur Nur and ba barkat Nigah kareem of Rasul Allah (SM)! Those are blessed souls who take their orders from the Supreme Commander of the Ummah - Sayyadi Rasul Allah (SM). The band-a- Momin must strive to reach this excellence. Iqbal and Quaid were on this spiritual station! You can be there too! Adab and Khidmat are the key secrets! -- Team BT
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