BrassTacks is the fighting arm of Pakistan. We defend our nation, armed forces and the ideology. We decide who is the patriot and who is an enemy, alhamdolillah !!
BrassTacks is the only Muslim Think Tank in the Ummah which forewarned the Muslim leaders of this calamity. We are giving our azaan since 1999, even before 9/11.
We are the only Think Tank who is fighting on the front line of defending the country in this 5th Gen War -- protecting the armed forces, our ideology, exposing the enemy plans, attacking the traitors and enemies alike ! We are in Media for the last 7 years and alhamdolillah, have turned the tables against the enemies. Now our policies are being accepted by the army and deployed against the Khawarij, while we continue to guide the patriots and fight on the information warfare axis.
Who can be against our mission in this heat of the war ?? Know this clearly -- Only a certified idiot or an open munafiq would be against us and our mission. It is like attacking Pakistan army in fight between India and Pakistan. NO Muslim can do that.
Yet, you find many snakes attacking us, trying to block our mission, trying to destroy us and the mission. Alhamdolillah, they have all failed so far, despite spending billions to stop our mission, despite create most venomous propaganda, court cases, economic blockades and physical attacks.
Almost the entire enemy team which is fighting against us is either from Deoband or from Liberal secular Geo groups. Tahir Asharafi and Mufti Naeem are both part of Khawarij and also Geo/SAFMA at the same time. They are all paid, funded, supported by the RAW. Most filthy of the beyghairat Mullahs, deen farosh, Imaan farosh, watan farosh ! Fazal, Samee are also the same. TJ stays silent while Ummah is being decimated.. holding his tasbeeh telling people to do astaghfar while Khawarij rape our sisters and kill our children... He is one of them too but some of you still cant see that.
Khawarij and their suporters should see that times have changed now. The Ummah and the Millat knows them and their crimes. Now Pak army has drawn its swords and we are cutting the necks of the Khawarij and their supporters. Now we will NOT allow them to serve their Mushrik and Dajjali masters to attack Ummat e Rasul (sm). They can bark as much as they want, but they will remain the dogs of hell and we will send them there inshAllah !!
BrassTacks is the fighting arm of Pakistan. We defend our nation, armed forces and the ideology. We decide who is the patriot and who is an enemy, alhamdolillah !! This is a duty given to us by Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and we will do it with full force, inshAllah ! Khawarij and Mushriks can go to hell !!
Entire fasad in the Ummah is due to these fraud, fasid mullahs... fitnahs emerge from them and enter into them.. !! We see with our own eyes.. the truth of this Hadees e Mubarak.
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has warned us of these times... These are times of fitnah, dajjal and nifaq. Ulama would be the worst of the creatures, filth of the earth, would start the fitnahs and destroy the ummah. Looking at Fazal, Samee, Mufti Naeem, Mullah Aziz, Tahir Ashrafi, Tariq Jameel... you can see masjids are full of these people but there is no hidayat... only fitnahs..
Entire fasad in the Ummah is due to these fraud, fasid mullahs... fitnahs emerge from them and enter into them.. !! We see with our own eyes.. the truth of this Hadees e Mubarak.
That is why Allah takes his duty from Quaid e Azam, Baba Iqbal and students of Ali Garh university as they were NOT munafiqs, were sincere and did not create fasad in the name of deen. A gunahgar Muslim is better than a munafiq mullah -- remember this !
Now you would know why we were asking the Mullahs of Deoband to take sides and tell us where they stand -- with Rasul Allah (sm) or with Khawarij ??? Now Khawarij are asking the same question...
Now you would know why we were asking the Mullahs of Deoband to take sides and tell us where they stand -- with Rasul Allah (sm) or with Khawarij ???
Now Khawarij are asking the same question from Pakistan and Ummat e Rasul (sm). Today, they threw grenades at schools in Karachi and distributed this paper. This clearly says that Khawarij would attack our children because they disagree with the policies of the government. This clearly says that Khawarij are demanding that we support Khawarij and fight against Pakistan, Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Pak army !!
We had told you before as well - There is NO neutrality now. You are either with Pakistan or with Khawarij dogs. Go and ask your Mullahs this question. If they are with Khawarij, then report them to ISI, army and Police helpline. Every Muslim must speak against Khawarij NOW.
We are with Pakistan, with Pak army and with Ummat e Rasul (sm). Dogs of hell would be sent to hell inshAllah ! We are neither afraid nor going to back down from our Jihad. Any Mullah who stay silent, will be nailed as kharji dog. This is a promise !!
Tariq Jameel, are you listening ?? Fazal, Samee, Naeem, Tahir ashrafi -- you are all kharji snakes if you remain silent at this threat from Khawarij dogs.
This is a real war. They plan to slaughter our children. We will NOT show them any mercy.
Congressi pro-Khawarij deobandis take funds from Mushriks to fight against Pakistan.
We have always maintained that Congressi pro-Khawarij deobandis take funds from Mushriks to fight against Pakistan. Here, Haroon Rasheed is exposing another axis -- they also take funds from British Intelegence MI5 for fasad within Pakistan !! That is why only deobandi madrassas are resisting the demands for audit and registration. Now everyone has the courage to openly expose these munafiqs. Listen to him. If you have a problem, go and fight with Haroon Rasheed not me :))
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