Mullahs of Deoband have sold us to the Mushriks and Khawarij. Each one is involved including TJ. Some help the Khawarij openly, some by not condemning them.
Now when I say make a demand from Mullahs of Deoband to give their views on Khawarij, Ghazwa e Hind & TTP, the same people who bug me to speak, then tell me to leave Tariq Jameel out of it. Force me not to ask for opinion of TJ or other Mullahs. They tell me not to drag them in politics, into controversial matters. :)). One Tableeghi even told me that they dont want to do Ghazwa e Hind, as they want to convert Hindus through Tableegh !! ufffff..
When I push them harder to speak up the truth, they reply with insane bohtans like you are a Kafir, Qadiani, agent of enemies or even being an Iranian Shia smile emoticon
Pakistani millat should know now ! Iftikhar Chaudrey sold our justice. When the whole world was praising him, I was the only one who had said that he will sell us to the enemies. World was proven wrong, Allah proved this faqeer right !
Similarly, I am telling you now ! Mullahs of Deoband have sold us to the Mushriks and Khawarij. Each one is involved including TJ. Some help the Khawarij openly, some by not condemning them. You can be angry with me today but even you will also suffer when Khawarij attack our children, when Hindu Mushriks enter Pakistan, when chaos comes to our Pak Sarzameen ! When you insult, shoot and reject the Moazzin, then this is your own badnaseebi, not mine.
I have attacked every enemy of Pak Sarzameen without mercy. Only an idiot Kharji and munafiq will accuse us of targeting Deoband only. We will attack all enemies of Pakistan -- religious or secular ! This is a promise !
When we expose their crimes, they take out rallies over french blasphemy to give the impression that they are ashiq e Rasul (sm) !! Paleed munafiq all of them.... they support Khawarij and then pretend that they love Rasul Allah (sm) !! Astaghfurulah !!
Every beyghairat secular & beysharam Mullah has sold us to the Kuffar, Khawarij and Mushriks !! Their propaganda is based on lies, jahalat, blindness and hate for Pak Sarzameen.
Jamaat e Islami, JUI, Congressi deobandi Mufti Naeem, Tahir ashrafi, Tableeghi Jamaat, Shah Mehmood, Iftikhar chaudrey, Asma Jahangir, Aktaf, Zardari, Nawaz, Geo.... These are all beyghairat Ghaddars !!
Even the enemies accept that Pak army and ISI have again defeated the Americans in Afghanistan and protected the Afghan Taliban. These beysharam Mullahs still defend and protect the Khawarij and speak their language.
When we expose their crimes, they take out rallies over french blasphemy to give the impression that they are ashiq e Rasul (sm) !! Paleed munafiq all of them.... they suport Khawarij and then pretend that they love Rasul Allah (sm) !! Astaghfurulah !!
Imagine, when Muslims were going to Battle of Badr, could any Muslim say that I am not going to Jihad but would do Tableegh ??
Imagine, when Muslims were going to Battle of Badr, could any Muslim say that I am not going to Jihad but would do Tableegh ?? If anyone says that at the time of Jihad, then he is a munafiq and not a Muslim.
These are the end times.. Fitnah of Dajjal is out with full force and Khawarij are an army from the armies of Dajjal ! NO Muslim can stay neutral in this war. If you are a supporter of Khawarij, then you are with Dajjal ! If you are silent against Khawarij, then you are with Dajjal too. We will attack, humiliate and destroy all Khawarij and Dajjali forces inshAllah !!
Pakistani Muslims must realize this -- if you are stupid today, then you will be slaves tomorrow ! Stop worshiping your fraud Mullahs who are selling you to the Khawarij and Dajjal ! Wake up before you are butchered too..
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