Sunday, 30 October 2016

October 30th, 2016

The noor which the kufr does not want you to believe in and recreate but which is prophesied to come once again to take over the whole world, for "Itmam e noor". A must read book.

The only and most modern, just, futuristic and prosperous political model gifted to us by Syyedi Rasul Allah (SM), and which the system of dajjal is afraid of. The noor which the kufr does not want you to believe in and recreate but which is prophesied to come once again to take over the whole world, for "Itmam e noor". A must read book.


Till the time this nation continue to vote for scoundarals, napaak, paleed politicians and their political parties, this curse will remain upon us....


Till the time this nation continue to vote for scoundarals, napaak, paleed politicians and their political parties, this curse will remain upon us.... NO amount of planning, elections, CPEC or Motorways will remove this curse....

Solution is only returning to the Islamic Khilafat e Rashida model... as Iqbal Baba has defined it for today....

Saturday, 29 October 2016

October 29th, 2016

Read this posts carefully. Everything you ask is in these posts. Dont ask me what I dont know...or cant tell...

Read this posts carefully. Everything you ask is in these posts. Dont ask me what I dont know...or cant tell... Allah has not abandoned us and Pak army will defend this Medina e Sani... IA

ایک بات یاد رکھیے گا کہ اللہ تعالیٰ اس پاک سرزمین کے بارے میں بہت حساس ہے۔پاکستان کے دشمن اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺ کے دشمن ہیں۔

اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺ اس پاک سرزمین کے حافظ اور ضامن ہیں۔ ان شاءاللہ ،یہ پاکستان قیامت تک قائم رہنے کیلئے بنا ہے۔

ہاں یہ ضرور ہوگا کہ پاکستان کے حکمران، اشرافیہ، علماءاورعوام عذاب میں مبتلا کیے جائیں گے کہ جب وہ اس پاک سرزمین سے خیانت کے مرتکب ہونگے

آج اللہ نے ہمیں بھوک ، خوف اور خونریزی کے عذاب میں صرف اس لیے مبتلا کیا ہوا ہے کہ ملک کے حکمران اور اشرافیہ اس پاک سرزمین کے خائن ہیں۔

اس پاک سرزمین کے ساتھ یہ پاک فوج بھی اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺکے سائے تلے،غزوہ ہند اور خوارج سے جہاد کی بشارت لیے ہوئے ہے۔

ہماری یہ نصیحت یاد رکھیں کہ حکومت کو جو مرضی گالی دیں، مگر نہ تو اس پاک سرزمین سے خیانت کریں،نہ ہی سیدی رسول اللہﷺ کی اس پاک فوج سے۔

جو کوئی بھی آج کے دور میں پاک فوج کے خلاف جنگ کرے گا ، فوج کی پشت میں خنجر دے گا، وہ اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺ اور پاک سرزمین کا دشمن ہے۔

بیشک پاک فوج میں ہزار کمزوریاں اور کوتاہیاں ہونگی،مگر اس خو ش نصیب فوج کے ذمے ڈیوٹی بہت بڑی لگائی گئی ہے۔ اس کا احترام واجب ہے۔

اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺ نے پچاس لاکھ شہداءکی قربانیاں لے کر یہ پاکستان اس لیے نہیں بنایا تھا کہ اس پر یہ ناپاک اور پلید سیاستدان حکومت کریں۔

آج کے حالات سے پریشان نہ ہوں، اس پاکستان کا اللہ محافظ ہے۔ نہ ہندو کچھ بگاڑ سکتا ہے نہ خوارج، اور نہ ہی یہ پلید سیاستدان۔

ہاں یہ ضرور ہوگا کہ پاکستان کے عوام کو اللہ سے کیے ہوئے وعدے سے خیانت کرنے کی سزاملے گی۔اس قوم کو اجتماعی توبہ کرنی ہے۔

آج جس کے ہاتھ میںاس پاک سرزمین کا جتنازیادہ اختیار ہے وہ اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺ کے دربار میںاتنا ہی بڑا جوابدہ ہے۔

آج اس پاکستان کی قیادت کی ذمہ داری تین افراد کو دی گئی ہے۔ سپہ سالار، وزیراعظم اور چیف جسٹس۔ ان کی خیانت سے قوم تباہ ہوگی۔

یہ اللہ کا احسان ہے کہ کسی وجود کو اپنے دست و بازو کے طور پر استعمال کرے۔پاکستان کی حکمرانی انعام بھی ہے اور عذاب بھی۔

جو پاکستان کا حکمران اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺ سے پیار کرتا ہوگا اور اس پاکستان کی حفاظت کرے گا،وہ ان شاءاللہ انبیائ،صدیقین اور شہداءکے ساتھ ہوگا

جو پاکستان کا حکمران اس پاکستان سے خیانت کرے گا ، وہ دنیا و آخرت میں رسواءہو کر فرعون، دجال اور ابولہب کے ساتھ ہلاک کیا جائے گا۔

نواز ، زرداری، الطاف ، اسفندیار، اچکزئی، فضل الرحمن جیسے ناپاک ،بدنصیب حکمران ہیں ،کہ ان کا انجام اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺ کے دشمنوں کے ساتھ ہے

اب اللہ جنرل راحیل شریف اور چیف جسٹس انور ظہیر جمالی کو آزما رہا ہے، اب دیکھیئے کون جرات اور غیرت سے کھڑا ہو کر پاکستان کا دفاع کرتا ہے۔

پاکستان کی سپریم کورٹ نے آج تک پاکستان کے دفاع میں ، اللہ و رسولﷺ کی اطاعت میں،کفر اور ظلم کے خلاف اپناکردار ادا نہیں کیا۔ یہ آخری موقع ہے

جنرل راحیل شریف بھی دو جہانوں کے خوش نصیب ہونگے ،کہ اگر” عضب “ کی تلوار لیے،پاکستان کے دفاع کیلئے کھل کر نعرہ تکبیر بلند کریں۔

اگر اس نازک لمحے پر جنرل راحیل نے کوئی کوتاہی دکھائی،”عضب“ سے خیانت کی، تو پھر دنیا و آخرت کی رسوائی ان کے مقدر میں ہے۔ یہ اللہ کا فیصلہ ہے

اللہ اپنے پاکستان کی ڈیوٹی جس سے چاہے گا ،لے گا۔ وہ بدنصیب ہونگے کہ جنہیں اللہ کے دست و بازو بننے کا موقع دیا گیا اور وہ پھر بھی محروم رہ جائیں۔

ہم اپنی قوم سے کہتے ہیں کہ حوصلہ رکھیں، مایوس ہونے کی کوئی بات نہیں ہے،اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺ نے ہمیں تنہا نہیں چھوڑا۔

آنے والے دور میں اس پاکستان نے خلافت راشدہ کا مرکز بھی بننا ہے،غزوہ ہند بھی ہونا ہے اور امت مسلمہ کی قیادت بھی پاکستان کے نصیب میں ہے۔

اللہ تو حکمرانوں پر احسان کرنا چاہتا ہے،مگر یہ بدنصیب خود ہی محروم ہیں۔ تھوڑا صبر کریں، اللہ سب سے بہتر فیصلہ کرنے والا ہے۔

اب اس پاکستان میں صرف اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺ کا نظام ہوگا۔ہر وہ شخص جو جمہوریت یا آمریت لانا چاہے گا، ذلیل و خوار و رسوا کیا جائے گا۔

جیسے کہ آپ سے کہا کہ یہ اب اللہ فیصلہ کرے گا کہ اس پاک سرزمین کی حفاظت کس سپہ سالار کے ہاتھوں کرواتا ہے۔راحیل یا ان کے بعد کوئی اور۔

اللہ نے پاکستان اور امت کے دفاع کا کام پاک فوج سے لینا ہے، ان پلید سیاستدانوں سے نہیں۔یہ فیصلے بھی اللہ نے لکھ 

دیئے ہیں

InshAllah, his downfall has begun....Army has moved... we told you army will do it... it has begun, alhamdolillah.

InshAllah, his downfall has begun....Army has moved... we told you army will do it... it has begun, alhamdolillah. Pervert Rasheed has been been sacked. Many more will go as well. ISI will do final investigations on daly basis... He and Maryam are also directly involved... Allah's punishment is close now..

Because he insulted Pakistan. He insulted our shaeeds of Rah e Rast, Zarb e Azb and anti Modi operations in Baluchistan... Now he is in the grip of Allah's curse... you will see inshAllah

Astaghfurullah! had told you Never to abuse this Pak army, the army of Rasul Allah... he did...

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

October 27th, 2016

These martyrs, these attacks, this war is only making us more battle hardened, more determined, more aggressive, more focused in our mission -- Ghazwa e Hind !!

These martyrs, these attacks, this war is only making us more battle hardened, more determined, more aggressive, more focused in our mission -- Ghazwa e Hind !! Now, even the doubtful ones among us are convinced -- we will have to destroy Indian artificial Hindu Zionist state totally to have peace in Pakistan...

InshAllah, so it will be...! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind... Labbaik...

NS Govt is now fighting a decisive war for its survival.. and it will be very dirty and perhaps bloody as well...

Read this post carefully.

NS Govt is now fighting a decisive war for its survival.. and it will be very dirty and perhaps bloody as well...

Pl be very careful on roads, stay indoors if you are not a political worker and participating in protests...Especially for Pindi and Islamabad, next few days will be very tough...

Govt has not just declared war against PTI and Sh Rasheed, it has also decided to humiliate & attack Pak army and General Raheel. Cyril has been helped by the Govt to escape and now the Govt has NO plans to arrest any culprits on Dawn Leaks..

Every RAW agent, snake & traitor has come out to save this "demon-cracy".... patriots are fighting back equally ruthlessly..

Indians have launched massive attack on Sialkot sector... many casualties in our civil population and villages are being evacuated. Pak army is responding ruthlessly there also and dozens of Indian troops have been confirmed killed.. alhamdolillah.

All eyes and all roads are now towards Army House...the final Umpire in this 5th Generation War...

Army will respond... GRS has NOT abandoned his nation. Allah has made him the Sipah Salaar....he will do his duty... IA. Have faith and use dua as your weapon. Told you, October would be decisive..

final countdown has begun today... Khair InshAllah..

October 26th, 2016

Now you tell me, who is the killer of our children ??

So, when I say, it is Deoband which is waging a war against Pakistan, Pak army and Muslims, then only an insane Kharji Jahannum Ka Kutta will reject this fact... yesterday, over 200 of our finest children and young men were slaughtered again - dead and wounded -- by these Deoband Khawarij from Lej, working with RAW and their local Mullahs... with full support of the Govt...

Now you tell me, who is the killer of our children ??

Worth reading and sharing!! received this from an officer. There is a reason why this nation love General Raheel and Pak army..

Worth reading and sharing!! received this from an officer. There is a reason why this nation love General Raheel and Pak army..

"Why the nation's love for Army is eternal......

Yesterday, the namaz e Janaza of police shuhada at Quetta was attended by both PM and the COAS. After the Janaza a stiff necked and aloof PM (the elected called) walked off with his entourage, without having a look back at the relatives
of Shuhada.

The COAS after seeing off the PM, turned back and walked straight to the relatives. A crowd of aggrieved people surrounded him, he stood among them, embracing each one of them; consoling, comforting, reassuring them...."Sir mera beta shaheed ho gya"; "sir mera bhai maar dia zaalimo nay", "sir mera aklota beta tha", they wept hiding their heads in his chest...." main khud shaheed ka bhai hoon, apki kaifiat samajhta hoon"...."Aap fikar na karain inn zalimo say hum hisab lain gay"...."aapka beta hamara
beta tha"...came his replies; in a genuine, sincere, concerned voice.

An elderly person requested him that he has to take his son's body to Turbat, which is far off....prompt came directions...'arrange C 130 and helicopters for shuhada from far flung areas'.....which
was ensured.

Ladies and gentlemen, this love of Army is not one way....the Army loves it's nation; the nation loves back. The banning of push ups by cricket team will not take it away.....Nothing will....try as you might.."


These are the true Mujahids of Ghazwa e Hind... MashAllah... Every Mujahid of Pak army is Captain RoohUllah...

These are the true Mujahids of Ghazwa e Hind... MashAllah...He did his duty well and now is guarding Pak Sarzamneen from the other side....Every Mujahid of Pak army is Captain RoohUllah...

He conducted over 750 operations against Khawarij..killed hundreds of them and made Pakistan safer...MashAllah

Proud of you son. Now guard Pakistan well from the other side. Your duty will never end...InshAllah, we will hold the flag high on this side...

Love you and miss you...Stay blessed always in the sacred company of Sayyadi rasul Allah(sm).....

October 25th, 2016

Monday, 24 October 2016

October 24th, 2016

Dear Sipah Salaar, you have the sword Azb of Rasul Allah (sm) in your cannot drop it in the middle of this war...

Dear Sipah Salaar,

you have the sword Azb of Rasul Allah (sm) in your cannot drop it in the middle of this war...

No Muslim General has ever abandoned the Ummah of Rasul Allah (sm) in the heat of the cannot as well. Our martyred Children of APS and our kidnapped sisters of 47 demand that you finish the job before you leave....

Nations has sent this message for you.....dont let us down...

October 23rd, 2016

Follow our twitter for full analysis on ongoing crisis in Islamabad, Dharna, DawnGate scandal, SC case on Panama and IK protests.

Follow our twitter for full analysis on ongoing crisis in Islamabad, Dharna, DawnGate scandal, SC case on Panama and IK protests. Keep yourself informed. Media will never tell you what you will find in our analysis.

Any "Tabdeeli" which brings back this same Democracy, same anglo-saxon laws, same Riba based economic model is nothing but fraud...

Any "Tabdeeli" which brings back this same Democracy, same anglo-saxon laws, same Riba based economic model is nothing but fraud...

Every political party in Pakistan, including the so called "Islamic' parties are part of this Dajjali Kufr system...and DO NOT want to bring KR model...

This KR model will come in Pakistan IA, NOT at the hands of these political parties but at the hands of those whom Allah chose for this duty... for now... we defend this land, remove this filthy regime and support Pak army for Ghazwa e Hind...

Friday, 21 October 2016

October 22nd, 2016

Anyone who insist that Pakistan must continue to keep this decayed, stinking, decomposed Judicial, political and economic system is surely Mad, insane, deranged and blind.....Astaghfurullah...

Anyone who insist that Pakistan must continue to keep this decayed, stinking, decomposed Judicial, political and economic system is surely Mad, insane, deranged and blind.....Astaghfurullah...

There is NO other option but to replace this entire system and rebuild it on the lines of Khilafat e Rashida....

Read OUR book Khilafat e Rashida to know what we mean.. dont ask silly questions like "who will be the Khalifa"... "which sect will be apply then"...

No "Naya Pakistan" can be created without Baba Iqbal...No motorway, no police reforms, no CPEC can bring Takmeel e Pakistan if Baba Iqbal is not the soul of the planning...

Only a Munafiq or a Kafir or a Badnaseeb will reject, insult and ignore the spiritual Message of Baba Iqbal...
Today, not a single political leader of Pakistan know even the names of books of Baba Iqbal, let alone knowing his message of Izzat.. Even IK does not know....such a tragedy...that nation considers ignorant as leaders and have forgotten the criteria of a great leader "the one who would ignite you to reject the entire system of Kufr, its democracy, its capitalism, its immoral civilization, its Godless culture, its anglo-saxon laws and would bring Khilafta e Rashida"

Remember this...any nation which insult, humiliate or degrade Baba Iqbal would NEVER see izzat, glory and dignity...

No "Naya Pakistan" can be created without Baba Iqbal...No motorway, no police reforms, no CPEC can bring Takmeel e Pakistan if Baba Iqbal is not the soul of the planning...

This present political leadership is NOT the one which will bring Takmeel e Pakistan...stop following these false gods...

We would strongly advice you all to watch this entire series of Qurun e Aula...!

We would strongly advice you all to watch this entire series of Qurun e Aula...! For the first time on mainstream media, we had brought our most glorious era for our younger generation...

educate yourself...this is the Golden age we need to bring back through Takmeel e Pakistan... InshAllah..

Entire Indian army has been shaken up by our patriotic Social Media troopers... :)) This is the work OUR patriotic SM teams do, alhamdolillah.

Entire Indian army has been shaken up by our patriotic Social Media troopers... :)) This is the work OUR patriotic SM teams do, alhamdolillah.

In modern warfare, winning the battles of the narrative is the most critical aspect of fight the 5th GenWar.. When you join BrassTacks and our patriotic pages, you actually defend Pakistan and attack Indian Zionist forces.... :)

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind..

October 21st, 2016

Dear Children, You must learn English BUT you MUST NOT forget Urdu.....If you have lost will lose who you are...


Dear Children, You must learn English BUT you MUST NOT forget Urdu.....If you have lost will lose who you are...

No amount of wealth, jobs, financial stability, cars, houses or business will make you a Muslim from Pakistan who is the proud inheritor of a brilliant civilization IF you disconnect from this beautiful Urdu....

Here is a test.....Take a piece of paper... write your name and write from 1 to 10.......

Now check...have you written in Urdu or in English?? Can you write in both languages equally comfortably?? If the answer is NO for Urdu, then the damage has been it NOW...

Losing Urdu means you will be a tree with NO stability.....NO strength..... Your choice now...

آپ اگر پاکستان کے دفاع میں اپنا حصہ ڈالنا چاہتے ہیں تو ہماری بات کو ادب سے سنیں اور اس اذان کو پھیلائیے


الحمد للہ، ہمارے اس صفحے پر دس لاکھ سے زائد ممبران ہیں، اور ہر ہفتے ہزاروں نئے ممبران کا اضافہ ہوتا ہے کہ جو نہ تو ہمارے پچھلے نو برس کے کام سے واقف ہوتے ہیں، نہ انہیں ہمارے مشن کا کوئی علم ہوتا ہے، اور نہ ہی وہ ہمارے تجزیے کی اہمیت کو سمجھتے ہیں۔ لہذا ہر روز درجنوں کی تعداد میں ہمیں ایسے افراد کو بلاک کرنا پڑتا ہے کہ جو ہمارے اس صفحے کو ایک عام فیس بک صفحہ سمجھ کر اپنی ناقص اور فضول رائے کا اظہار کرنے پہنچ جاتے ہیں۔ ان میں دشمن بھی ہوتے ہیں اور نادان دوست بھی۔

ہم یہ بات ایک مرتبہ پھر آپ کو واضح کردیں کہ اس صفحے پر جو بھی سیاسی، مذہبی، تاریخی، معاشرتی اور عسکری تجزیہ پیش کیا جاتا ہے اس کے پیچھے پاکستان کے معتبر ترین دفاعی تجزیہ نگاری کے ادارے ”براس ٹیکس“ کا گہرا تجربہ اور ماہر ٹیم شامل ہوتی ہے۔ ہم پچھلے کئی برس سے پوری دنیا سے معلومات اکٹھی کرکے ایک دقیق تجزیے کی بنیاد پر مشکل ترین معاملات کو آسان زبان میں آپ کے سمجھنے کیلئے بیان کرتے ہیں۔ آپ میں سے کوئی بھی فرد ایسا نہیں ہے کہ جس کے پاس معلومات، انٹیلی جنس یا خبروں کو جمع کرنے کا اتنا وسیع نظام موجود ہو، اور نہ ہی آپ میں سے کوئی اتنا بڑا دفاعی تجزیہ نگار ہے کہ پورے براس ٹیکس کے تجزیے کے مقابلے میں کوئی جدید نظریہ پیش کرسکے۔ ہمارا کام انتہائی پیچیدہ، نازک اور دقیق تجزیے پر مشتمل ہوتا ہے۔ ہم اپنی پوری تحقیق، اس کے ذرائع اور وسائل آپ کے سامنے نہیں رکھتے بلکہ صرف نتیجہ آپ کو سناتے ہیں۔ لہذا سمجھداری اور عقل کا تقاضا یہ ہے کہ ہمارے تجزیے کا مذاق اڑانے، اس کی توہین کرنے یا اس کے مقابلے پر اپنا فلسفہ پیش کرنے کی بجائے، اس بات پر غور کریں کہ جو یہاں بیان کی جاتی ہے۔ اسی میں آپ کیلئے خیر اور بہتری ہے۔

ہمارے جو ممبران برسوں سے ہمارے ساتھ ہیں، وہ اس بات کو سمجھتے بھی ہیں، اس کا احترام بھی کرتے ہیں اور ہمارے تجزیے پر عمل بھی کرتے ہیں۔ ہم نئے آنے والوں سے درخواست کریں گے کہ بلا وجہ اپنے آپ کو بلاک نہ کروائیں۔ آپ یہاں پر خود تشریف لائے ہیں، ہم نے آپ میں سے کسی کو دعوت نامہ بھیج کر نہیں بلایا۔اس صفحے پر پاکستان کے دفاع کی ایک انتہائی مشکل تبلیغاتی اور معلوماتی جنگ لڑی جاتی ہے، پوری دنیا میں پاکستان کے دشمن، مشرک، خوارج اور لبرل بے غیرت ہم سے اور ہمارے اس مشن سے نفرت کرتے ہیں اور ہماری طرف سے ان پر شدید ضرب لگائی جاتی ہے۔

یہ عام معاشرتی گفتگو کا صفحہ نہیں ہے، یہ ایک دفاعی تجزیہ نگاری کے تھنک ٹینک کا میدان جنگ ہے، جب آپ یہاں پر آئیں تو اس صفحے کے قواعد اورضوابط پر بھی سختی سے عمل کریں، ورنہ جا کر حامد میر یا عامر لیاقت کا صفحہ جوائن کرلیں، یہاں سے تو آپ ویسے ہی پھر جلدی نکال دیئے جائیں گے۔

آپ اگر پاکستان کے دفاع میں اپنا حصہ ڈالنا چاہتے ہیں تو ہماری بات کو ادب سے سنیں اور اس اذان کو پھیلائیے۔ ہماری بات کو رد کرنا، اس کا مذاق اڑانا یا اس پیغام کو توہین کرنا حماقت، دشمنی اور غداری تصور کیا جائے گا۔

اللہ پاکستان کا حامی و ناصر ہو۔
 اللہ پاک فوج کا حامی و ناصر ہو۔

October 20th, 2016

Now the patriots will identify the traitors and pass it on to ISI... Let the party begins.. :-)…/158580-Govt-accepts-ISIs-role-…

Now ISI will decide, identify and arrest the terrorists, traitors, khawarij and the enemies on Social Media...

suddenly the entire social media team of Maryam have gone silent... :))) relocating to Dubai now.... from where they will restart their attacks on Pak army and Pakistan...

Now the patriots will identify the traitors and pass it on to ISI... Let the party begins.. :-)

Ghazwa e Hind is our destiny, its is our Doctrine and it is the romantic mission for this blessed army of Rasul Allah (sm)...

This Pak army is the army of Rasul Allah (sm).. the blessed army mentioned in the ahadees which will fight against Khawarj and in Ghazwa e Hind against Mushriks

Alhamdolillah entire Pak army consider itself blessed to be part of this Ghazwa !! This is an amazing khair MashAllah...

Ghazwa e Hind is our destiny, its is our Doctrine and it is the romantic mission for this blessed army of Rasul Allah (sm)...

You know Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) have special nigah on this ummat when you look at Pak Army... MashAllah

October 19th, 2016

Watch this video over and over again.... being prepared is always better than being sorry later....

Watch this video over and over again....

being prepared is always better than being sorry later.... a Momin is always ready to stand with Pak army to defend Medina e Sani against Mushriks in Ghazwa e Hind...

You will never know the real Iqbal without ever reading this epic book.

Iqbal the mysterious "Iqbal pur Israr" is an introduction of the actual Sufi, Mystic and Ashiq e Rasul (SM) that Allama Iqbal was for our youth of today. You will never know the real Iqbal without ever reading this epic book.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

October 18th, 2016

Read my tweets on CPEC and watch this brief satire on US foreign policy..

Read my tweets on CPEC and watch this brief satire on US foreign policy..

Pakistan will have to jealously guard its interests on CPEC and make sure that Ishaq dar and NS do not sell us to the Indians or to any other highest bidder.. Every nation protects its own interests..Pakistan MUST form a CPEC Authority to monitor, control al aspects of the project else these politicians will turn this project into another colonial weapon like East India company... Read full details and suggestions on twitter.. Not as

More and more countries are wanting to join CPEC. Over One crore Chinese are expected to come and live here... We have to make a strong CPEC Authority to make sure that our culture, economy and the nation benefit from this project as we desire.... not as how Ishaq Dar wants...


It is time that we have a unified national narrate on Khawarij, BLA and MQM... the militant arms of the enemies in this 5thGW.

It is time that we have a unified national narrate on Khawarij, BLA and MQM... the militant arms of the enemies in this 5thGW.

Simple solution -- anyone who refuse to declare these killers as Khawarij or enemies should be arrested, put on trial and hanged...

All opinion makers, influential people of the society have to speak or face the wrath of the law...In times of war, when Ummat e Rasul (sm) is under attack, anyone staying silent is a shaitan...

Monday, 17 October 2016

October 17th, 2016

After watching this video you will understand why we say "NEVER attack, insult or harm Pakistan Army"...

After watching this video you will understand why we say "NEVER attack, insult or harm Pakistan Army"...

You will understand why every enemy of Rasul Allah is attacking Pak army...

You will understand why Deobandi Khawarij attack Pak army...

You will understand why Mushriks, Liberal, Asma, Hamid Mir, Altaf, Nawaz attack Pak army...

Every Muslim army in the Arab world is finished....This Israeli Defense Analysts proudly announces victory for Israel....and talks about future threats (Pakistan Army....))

We found this video today but have been advising you for nearly 9 years...Pak army is the army of Rasul Allah (sm), army of Ghazwa e Hind, army to lead the Ummah....Even the Jews know this...

Remember the Hadees shareef of Sayyadi rasul Allah (sm) about Khawarij ??

Remember the Hadees shareef of Sayyadi rasul Allah (sm) about Khawarij ??

Mafhoom of ahadees..

"they will kill Muslims and take help from Mushriks"....

"These Khawarij will declare Muslims as Kafirs and then shed Muslim blood"

Now you tell me which gang of Mullahs fit this exact, accurate definition ??

Just check the name of the FB page which is attacking Pak army...I have not created that page....:))

Deoband is NOT a sect.... it is only a Madrassa in India of those who claim to be Sunni Hanafi, just as Barelvis.... just like majority of Muslims in Pakistan.

Deoband India and some gangs in Pakistan have become Khawarij because of their political war against Pakistan....

October 16th, 2016

This is the model we want for Pakistan...NO democracy, NO martial law, NO capitalism, NO communism, so socialism..

This is the model we want for Pakistan...NO democracy, NO martial law, NO capitalism, NO communism, so socialism..

From Bilawal's filthy life to CPEC to Khalistan.... entire axis if there.You should all open Twitter accounts also and join our page for fast access to analysis..

Read tweets for latest analysis and updates..

From Bilawal's filthy life to CPEC to Khalistan.... entire axis if there.

You should all open Twitter accounts also and join our page for fast access to analysis..


These Hindus have really gone insane.... totally mad... have lost it totally.... ufff... :))))

These Hindus have really gone insane.... totally mad... have lost it totally.... ufff... :))))

Again, sit down before you watch this... you can fall down rolling in burst of hysterical laughter...

After their famous audio of terrorists "bum fat gaye" wali.... Indian media comes up with this new gem... :))

ISI's captain pigeon khan giving tough time to Hanomaan the Chimpenzee..... lolzzzzzzz

Many members on this page are married, many will get married..and this text and the video serves as a beautiful reminder that how precious your soul mate is for you in this journey of life....

Last year in October, when I came back from Saudi Jail, my beloved wife, who had played the decisive role in my release, made this video to say shukar to Allah (swt)....

Many members on this page are married, many will get married..and this text and the video serves as a beautiful reminder that how precious your soul mate is for you in this journey of life.... respect your spouse, love him or her and inshAllah, she/he will stand with you in toughest tests of life and be a source of barakah and khair in Dunya and Akhira.. Here we share our most precious moments of our duty with you all...

Come and walk with us... :)

On October 27, last year, she posted this on her wall.. :))

"Sharing the blessed journey of my life with the world for the first time ever, dedicating it to millions of couples out there who are looking for an inspiration to rekindle their relationship with their spouses. Dedicate your life and death to revive "Rasul Allah's way of life and His Ummah" and Allah will make your relationship immortal and ever green I promise.
Thank you Allah janu, Syyedi Rasul Allah SAW and, my murshid my husband honourable Zaid Hamid for making my life so blessed and fulfilling. Love to all our kids"

Sunday, 16 October 2016

October 15th, 2016

This is the voice of every Pakistani.... MashAllah, a stunning emotional nasheed of courage by this kiddo...Remember this song and recite in your gatherings...

This is the voice of every Pakistani.... MashAllah, a stunning emotional nasheed of courage by this kiddo...

We will break Indian down now.. this is the promise of this brave Millet....

Remember this song and recite in your gatherings.... "India non naheen chadna"... too good MashAllah...

The only and most modern, just, futuristic and prosperous political model gifted to us by Syyedi Rasul Allah (SM), and which the system of dajjal is afraid of.

The only and most modern, just, futuristic and prosperous political model gifted to us by Syyedi Rasul Allah (SM), and which the system of dajjal is afraid of. The noor which the kufr does not want you to believe in and recreate but which is prophesied to come once again to take over the whole world, for "Itmam e noor". A must read book.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

October 14th, 2016

Let us share with you an amazing video... what shaitani music does to your body and system and what Azaan does...or Quran does... watch this...

Let us share with you an amazing video... what shaitani music does to your body and system and what Azaan does...or Quran does... watch this...

Stunning scientific evidence that western music especially the modern one is so destructive for human physical and spiritual health... they add certain frequencies into the drums beats, guitars...which kill your body and soul...

That is why listening to Quran, Azaan and mystic lyrics bring so much peace to the soul...

This Islamic Halqa of Zikr generate noor and spiritual forces and invite spiritual enemrgy.. (Malaika, angels).. Now you will understand why all mystic Halqas have collective Zikr gatherings.. MashAllah

In the previous video, we showed you how modern musical instruments have frequencies which destroy the human body and soul..

Our Mystics, Murshids and spiritual Babas knew of this secret of collecting spiritual energy through Halqas of Zikr...Every person contributes his spiritual energy in a controlled and systematic rhythm and the collective spiritual energy is spread in to the universe, affecting the people doing Zikr as well as the entire environment...

Same spiritual phenomenon is Tawaf of Hajj and Umra.. where hundreds of thousands of people move in a circular manner around Kaaba..generating powerful spiritual force fields which energize the individuals as well as the universe...and also drawing spiritual forces from the universe...

This powerful drawing of spiritual forces phenomenon is mentioned in Quran very clearly -- when angels comes down from the heavens upon the people and give them strength, noor and power... MashAllah..

Western music destroys the soul...invites shaitan...

This Islamic Halqa of Zikr generate noor and spiritual forces and invite spiritual enemrgy.. (Malaika, angels)..

Now you will understand why all mystic Halqas have collective Zikr gatherings.. MashAllah

had to share this insanely stupid and hilarious video with you. use this to attack and humiliate Indians all over the world.... I warn you, you could fall off your chair laughing.......... :))))

had to share this insanely stupid and hilarious video with you. use this to attack and humiliate Indians all over the world.... before you watch this... sit down... you could fall off your chair laughing..... LOLzzzzzzzzzzz

They have gone mad.. totally mad.... :))) lolzz

This is the "conversation" between two "terrorists" AFTER the "surgical strike".... India media is showing this ... this is the most bizarre comedy you will hear ever....

I warn you, you could fall off your chair laughing.......... :))))

Friday, 14 October 2016

October 13th, 2016

A must have text book for all, specially our youth who desire to know how to form a relationship of adab and Ishq with our beloved Prophet (SM) even today.

A beautiful gift of love and adab for Syyedi RasulAllah (SM). A must have text book for all, specially our youth who desire to know how to form a relationship of adab and Ishq with our beloved Prophet (SM) even today.

October 12th, 2016

Alhamdolillah, for the last 6 years straight, this list is grading us as the most influential opinion maker in Pakistan" grading us higher than entire ARY and Geo groups.... Allahu Akbar...

I read many comments here that why dont we do something "practical", we are only a Facebook warrior, we can only talk and write but not do anything real"... etc etc... :)

This shows how stupid some people can be...and they have NO idea of the Information War and Psy-Ops that we fight to defend Pak Sarzameen in this dangerous 5th Gen War...

Royal Jordanian Strategic Studies center takes out a list of most influential 500 Muslims living in the world today... they can be positively influential or negatively influential but they are the important people in Muslim lands...

Alhamdolillah, for the last 6 years straight, this list is grading us as the most influential opinion maker in Pakistan" grading us higher than entire ARY and Geo groups.... Allahu Akbar...

What is size of BT against ARY and Geo groups who have billions of dollars of budgets and thousands of staff ????

This is why we are the biggest threat to the enemies of Pakistan... most dangerous for all Mushriks, Khawarijs and liberal beyghairats...

We are a humble team, a small group, almost zero budget, still our azaan has been blessed with khair and barakah from Allah (swt) that world is forced to accept that our azaan has changed the game in Pakistan....and have destroyed the enemy propaganda and lies....and have given hope to Pak nation and defended the Pak army....

Imagine the jealousy of both ARY and Geo that they mentioned this report, mentioned their owners BUT did not mention that this Faqeer stands on top of their heads.. :)) alhamdolillah.

You think this is not practical work that we do ??? :))

Izzat and zillet is from Allah (swt). If Allah accepts you for the duty, then He gives barakah and khair in your azaan. then your humble resources and zero budget also defeats the firouns of the time... Allahu Akbar...

Remember this -- There is only ONE test of Imaan today -- who defends and protects Pak Sarzameen and who is the cursed one who attacks, insults, harm Pak Sarzameen..

Remember this -- There is only ONE test of Imaan today -- who defends and protects Pak Sarzameen and who is the cursed one who attacks, insults, harm Pak Sarzameen..

Anyone who attacks, insults, abuse Pakistan army, the army of Rasul Allah (sm), the army of Ghazwa e Hind, is a Kafir... Kharji or a Mushrik or a Munafiq only.... No Momin can attack Pak army... This is a fact...

This army may not be perfect BUT it is chosen for a perfect duty.. Ghazwa e Hind.

You will be severely punished in dunya and akhira ifyou stand with Khawarij, Mushriks and Kafirs.. and start to attack and insult this army... NEVER do that.... these political scoundrels who always bark against Pak army.. they are jahannumis..

We are advising you... Be careful.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

October 11th, 2016

This book is about you, the youth of Pakistan. Ghazwa e Hind is the last battle of the glorious Muslim history which is yet to take place and about which the Sahaba e Kiram used to wish to be part of.

This book is about you, the youth of Pakistan. Ghazwa e Hind is the last battle of the glorious Muslim history which is yet to take place and about which the Sahaba e Kiram used to wish to be part of. Such are the Fazail of the ones who will take part in it in any capacity on behalf of the Muslim Ummah. We recommend you to buy this book along with Naimatullah Shah Wali, together they complete the message sent to us giving basharat of the "Ghazwa e Hind"

October is progressing and you have seen that suddenly all snakes have drawn their daggers.... we had warned that this would happen..

October is progressing and you have seen that suddenly all snakes have drawn their daggers.... we had warned that this would happen..

InshAllah khair...Every enemy is being exposed.. every rascal will be nailed... patriots have not gone to sleep..

little Sabr and do your duty... !

Let us tell you who is a Yazeedi and who is a Hussaini ?

Let us tell you who is a Yazeedi and who is a Hussaini ?

Anyone who is attacking Pakistan, insulting Pak army, opposing Ghazwa e Hind, insulting Mission Takmeel e Pakistan, supporting Mushriks, ally of Khawarij and working to support the liberal beyghairat anglo-saxon system of democracy is a Yazeedi...even if he is a Shia or a Sunni... he will remain a Yazeedi..

Now read what is written here...

October 10th, 2016

Watch these few minutes... the greatest Bisharat of all times is for our beloved Pak Army and Pak Sarzameen... and Pakistani millet is part of this..

The Mushriks and Khawarij are in desperate panic because of ahadees of Ghazwa e Hind... Now they are hiring the Khawarij to prove that Ghazwa e Hind is already done and over.....

Watch these few minutes... the greatest Bisharat of all times is for our beloved Pak Army and Pak Sarzameen... and Pakistani millet is part of this.. we are the Khush naseeb alhamdolillah not the Khawarij...

Know this well ... the blessed army is Pak army... anyone who wears the uniform of Pak army or helps Pak army in this Ghazwa is the most blessed Mujahid in these times... MashAllah ...

Let us share with a secret... why Pakistan was created ? A glad tiding foretold by Sayyadi Rasul Allah...

Let us share with a secret... why Pakistan was created ?

Most fortunate khush Naseeb are the ones who have been chosen to be part of Ghazwa e Hind, the most blessed nation, most blessed army... an unfinished destiny, a glad tiding foretold by Sayyadi Rasul Allah...

MashAllah mubarak to Pak Millet.... as Baba Iqbal had said "now you will be asked to lead the world"... dunya ki Imamat... InshAllah..

All enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) are attacking this Pak army. All soldiars of Rasul Allah are in this army or supporting it from outside.

In these times the difference between a Mujahid & Kharji is their attitude towards this Pak army... all enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) are attacking this Pak army. All soldiars of Rasul Allah are in this army or supporting it from outside...all such blessed souls are Mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind...

If you are fighting this sacred war on social media, still you are part of this Ghazwa, MashAllah...

You can attack the Govt BUT NEVER insult, humiliate or attack this army of Rasul Allah... you will be destroyed in dunya and akhira... only the Khawarij and Mushriks attack this army...

NS Govt is now fully attacking Pak army and ISI... planted articles, fake news, retired officers launched to malign Pak army and ISI...

Read my tweets for developing stories and their analyses....

NS Govt is now fully attacking Pak army and ISI... planted articles, fake news, retired officers launched to malign Pak army and ISI...

Go to our twitter page...

October 9th, 2016

Dear Children especially our brave Kashmiris..Note the correct Map and Flag of Pakistan..,always add Kashmir in the map and always use 5 stars NOT six stars on the flag...

Dear Children especially our brave Kashmiris..

Note the correct Map and Flag of Pakistan..,always add Kashmir in the map and always use 5 stars NOT six stars on the flag...

These mistakes are serious... when we fight the Information War, we need to be politically, graphically, ideologically correct also...

If you can made videos, pl note that We need short videos on Ghazwa e Hind... for Whatsapp groups..

take our audio from my speeches and add videos, pics, songs and images to make powerful 3 or 4 minutes emotional, powerful clips. Use whatspp more... for fast circulation globally..

each one of you can fight here.... learn to use video software and be a trooper in this war...

Saturday, 8 October 2016

October 8th, 2016

Yes, Hindus study in Deoband Madrassa and then come to Pakistan as Deobandi Mullahs.... Now listen....

General Zia ud Din is the former DG ISI, one of the most powerful and informed man in Pakistan in 1999. He did the blunder of supporting Nawaz Shareef against Musharraf and was removed later.

BUT listen to what he says here.. this is amazing deep inside information....How RAW uses Hindus pretending to be Islamic Scholars, Imams, Khateebs, Tableeghis to create terror in Pakistan....Obviously, their brothers in Pakistan Deoband support them in waging this you know why so many Hindus study in Deoband Madrassa in India....Yes, Hindus study in Deoband Madrassa and then come to Pakistan as Deobandi Mullahs..... Now listen....

Now watch this video... when Modi had burnt 4000 Muslims alive, raped hundreds of our sisters, killed unborn babies... I shivered in rage and anger when I saw this.... astaghfurullah...

Remember we posted a video here that a Deobandi Mullah was saying that Muslims in India live in total peace and are very happy with Hindus...? The Khawarij are slaves of the Mushriks...

Now watch this video... when Modi had burnt 4000 Muslims alive, raped hundreds of our sisters, killed unborn babies... I shivered in rage and anger when I saw this.... astaghfurullah...

Now you tell me, did we make a mistake in making Pakistan? Were Baba Quaid and Allama Iqbal wrong?
Why do Deoband still want to destroy Pakistan and create Greater Hindu akhand Bharat ?

You tell me the answer....

October 7th, 2016

InshAllah, now India will start to lose its States...Pak army will gate crash this artificial mixture of castes, races, ethnic and linguistic divide led by caste Hindu Zionists...

InshAllah, now India will start to lose its States...Pak army will gate crash this artificial mixture of castes, races, ethnic and linguistic divide led by caste Hindu Zionists...

Modi, threatened us in Baluchustan and Gilgit...:) Here, India is already loosing Kashmir and now Tamil Nado, Khalistan, entire 40% India under Naxalites, 7 States in Assam region...

If they want a proxy war, they will get a proxy war...

If they want to attack, we will attack them

they want to capture Pakistan, We will capture India

They want to create greater India, we will create greater Pakistan..

They have started this war... we will finish it for them inshAllah... this is written... we will only implement it..

Dont worry about the traitors inside Pakistan.... they will be dealt with as well... Allah has created this Pak army for Ghazwa e Hind.. it has spiritual forces with it... there is a reason this war is called "Ghazwa" ..... :)

Labbaik ya Rasul Allah

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind..

A warrior of unparalleled courage, bravery and unbeatable strategy, Hazrat Kahlid bin Waleed.A must read bed time story for all kids and youth.

A warrior of unparalleled courage, bravery and unbeatable strategy, Hazrat Kahlid bin Waleed. One of the actual Super heroes we can proudly claim as our ancesstor. A must read bed time story for all kids and youth.

October 6th, 2016

The point is that I am not trying to show off but advice you that never argue with this faqeer on what we say... Allah shows us things you do not know...

This was late 2009, we were doing our WakeUp Pakistan series.. we had clearly warned the nation that our final battle will be fought against MQM in Karachi.... this was the time when NO ONE could dare to take the name of Altaf or threaten him....NO ONE could dare do this.. This faqeer had the duty to expose this snake and we did alhamdolillah.. we even told his dreadful end...alhamdolilah...

Today, the final battle is being fought in Karachi.. MQM is not finished yet but it is being crushed.. the recovery of huge batallion level weapons from just one house confirms each and every word we have been saying all along...

The point is that I am not trying to show off but advice you that never argue with this faqeer on what we say... Allah shows us things you do not know... it is time that you start to trust and move forward and not waste our and your time in naive questions, objections or criticism.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

October 5th, 2016

This Ramdev who was speaking at deoband is the most dangerous snake and idealogue of RSS... listen till end..

Well may be FB will delete this video too, so save it first...

This is Indian war strategy using Deoband and kharji Mullahs..

I dont have to say anything here... All enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) are mentioned here.. even after this evidence,if anyone wants to remain deobandi or want to be called deobandi, then may Allah deal with him in dunya and akhira... Muslims have nothing to do with this filth which deoband India is propagating and snakes like Fazlu diesal and TTP are doing... Astaghfurullah... innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon.

This Ramdev who was speaking at deoband is the most dangerous snake and idealogue of RSS... listen till end..

Now deobandis are rpeorting this page to get it blocked... :)) khawarij will remain khawarij always...

Only a kharji dog of hell will deny this... and call it sectarianism.

Indian National Security adviser giving a secret briefing to CIA that Deoband is fully supporting RAW& Indian govt against Pakistan and KashmirJihad (he calls it international terrorism)... and that 50 thousand Muftisof deoband have given fatwas against Jihad (we know that deoband has given fatwa against Jihad e Kashmir).

Only a kharji dog of hell will deny this... and call it sectarianism. we call it exposing the Hindu Mushriks attacks, tools and allies... and defending Pakistan in this 5th Gen War...

This snake is haramkhor Ramdev... the ideological mentor of Modi & RSS, the hardcore zionist..

This snake is haramkhor Ramdev... the ideological mentor of Modi & RSS, the hardcore zionist... who was invited to Darul Uloom deoband and he called deobandis as his blood brothers....

Know this very the last video, we have fiercely attacked maulvi Hashmi mian also, who is a hardcore barelvi but was supporting the Hindu version over Babri Masjid..

Deoband is NOT a sect. It is a madrassa only. thats all.

Both Deobandi and Barelvi Madrassas are Sunni Hanafi.... so, if we attack their political & military alliance with Hindus how does that become "firqa wariat" ?? only a kharji dog of hell will put this bohtan on us.

In Pakistan, Deoband are represented by JUI.. led by Fazal and Samee. In India Deoband are led by JUH..

Both JUH and JUI follow the same anti-Pak ideology.. Fazal is the Pakistani face of all know this..

Thousands of students who study in Deobandi madrassas DO NOT represent deoband. Fazal, samee, mufti Naeem, Tariq Jameel and Tahir ashrafi represent Deoband.. These snakes hate Pakistan and have done everything in their power to destroy Pakistan..

This is Ramdev.... the real zionist behind modi.. now see his relationship with deoband.. and his plans to break Pakistan to create akhand bharat..

This is Ramdev.... the real zionist behind modi.. now see his relationship with deoband.. and his plans to break Pakistan to create akhand bharat... why is so comfortable with deoband? what has deoband promised him? why he is so sure that now he can create akhand bharat ? because he has been given TTP and Fazalur rehman by deoband who have promised to attack pak army for this Hindu..

This is our policy bayan on our strategy and mission.. this answers all the questions which people ask about our attacks on deoband, Khawarij and Mushriks..

This is our policy bayan on our strategy and mission.. this answers all the questions which people ask about our attacks on deoband, Khawarij and Mushriks..

read, download, spread... all questions have been answered... now only a jahil kharji will remain confused.. all others will be satisfied inshAllah.

October 4th, 2016

Only Deoband India could bring these gems... 

Only Deoband India could bring these gems... "Hindus are NOT Kafirs, Lord Shiva is Muslim Nabi, all Muslims living in India are Hindus, Jihad e Kashmir is Haram, Islamic ideology of Pakistan based on Lailaha illal la and Sura Kafiroon is haram, two nation theory is haram.."

I would like to ask Ulama e Deoband in Pakistan - Can anyone remain a Muslim after having these beliefs???

Are these not the beliefs of true Khawarij as explained in ahadees e Mubaraka?

What should be done with those "Ulama" in Pakistan who refuse to condemn such fasadi fatwas and support deoband India??

I will appreciate if anyone can bring answers from JUI Fazlu, Samee, MTJ or Mufti Naeem.. all others pl shut up.... you do not lead or represent Deobandis.

Like Ataf Hussain and MQM, These pro-Mushrik Khawarij supporters are also compulsive liars... dhokey baaz, fraudyey and ghatia....

Like Ataf Hussain and MQM, These pro-Mushrik Khawarij supporters are also compulsive liars... dhokey baaz, fraudyey and ghatia.... Just listen to his balatant lies... Over 100,000 Pakistanis have been martyred by his gangs of TTP and here he is totally denying that TTP exist.... ufffff... astaghfurullah..

Like MQM, once their target killers are caught, they do "Izhar e La Taluqi" :))

This is exacly what the Deoband India is doing -- first they burn Pak flag then just deny... its their style of working. never be foled by what they say.... these Khawarij are always liars and even twist the ahadees of Ghazwa e Hind..

Iqbal Pur Israr

Iqbal Pur Israr,

Indians have become paranoid now with fear.... even our pigeons and baloons are scaring them....

FB again removed the pics of our strike on Indian camp.. hope you guys saved them and circulated them well...
Indians have become paranoid now with fear.... even our pigeons and baloons are scaring them....

Here we found a top secret pic of Captain Pigeon Khan of ISI going for a surgical strike in India... (well at least thats what Indian media wants us to believe... ..lolzzzz)

October 3rd, 2016

These 6 minutes will tell you why and how Deobandis are producing Khawarij and are the madrasas responsible for terrorism... ??

These 6 minutes will tell you why and how Deobandis are producing Khawarij and are the madrasas responsible for terrorism... ??

This was recorded 2 years ago in 2014... every word coming true...

Entire Indian war strategy against Pakistan depends upon using Darul Uloom Deoband & Deobandis against Pakistan...

Entire Indian war strategy against Pakistan depends upon using Darul Uloom Deoband & Deobandis against Pakistan... Through Deoband and TTP, India plans to control Afghanistan, attack Pakistan and wage the 5th Generation War,...

I am NOT taking the name of Deoband. This snake Doval is taking the name of deoband....:)) now ask him why did he take the name of Deoband and why is he spreading "firqa wariat" ? :))))

I am not making up this story.. listen to the Indian national security adviser... the Zionist who has created TTP and use them from Afghanistan.

That is why we have been demanding from MTJ to openly declare where he stands.. with Mushriks or with Muslims.... staying silent is NOT helping him.

This dangerous ideology is taught in all Deobandi madrassas. Mullah Fazalu is head of this filth.....

"We are against Pakistan. We are against ideology of Pakistan. We are against two nations theory".
This snake is Mullah Medni, head of deoband in India, grandson of Hussain Medni whom Baba Iabal called "abu lahab of the time"
This dangerous ideology is taught in all Deobandi madrassas. Mullah Fazalu is head of this filth.....
Now read these tweets also..

ہر پاکستانی مسلمان یہ بات اچھی طرح جانتا ہے کہ ایم کیو ایم کے جرائم کو بیان کرنا قومیت کا فساد پھیلانا نہیں بلکہ دشمنوں کو بے نقاب کرنا ہے۔

اسی طرح دارالعلوم دیوبند بھارت کی اسلام دشمنی اور پاکستان کے خلاف جنگی جرائم پر بات کرنا فرقہ واریت نہیں بلکہ پاک سرزمین کا دفاع ہے۔

جامعہ کراچی اور جامعہ لاہور دو فرقوں کے نام نہیں ہیں، بلکہ صرف تعلیمی ادارے ہیں۔ اسی طرح دیوبند اور بریلی کے مدرسے ہیں۔

دیوبند اور بریلی کے دونوں مدرسے سنی اور حنفی مسلک کے پیروکار ہیں۔البتہ دونوں کی اپنی اپنی الگ سیاسی حکمت عملی ہے۔

ہمیں دیوبند اور بریلی کے مدرسوں کے مسلک یا فرقے سے کوئی سروکار نہیں۔ ہم ان کی سیاسی اور عسکری پالیسی پر بیان دیتے ہیں۔

دارالعلوم دیوبند بھارت کی سیاسی اور عسکری پالیسی پچھلے 80 برس سے ہندو مشرکوں کا ساتھ دے کر مسلمانوں اور پاکستان کی مخالفت کرنا رہی ہے۔

آج پاکستان میں ایک لاکھ سے زائد پاکستانی، دیوبندی خوارج کے ہاتھوں شہید ہوچکے ہیں۔ آپریشن ضرب عضب انہی کے خلاف ہے۔

پاکستان میں دیوبندیوں کا سربراہ فضل الرحمن یہ کہتا ہے کہ ضرب عضب دہشت گردوں کے خلاف نہیں، بلکہ قبائلی مسلمانوں کے خلاف کیا گیا ہے۔

فضل الرحمن کا یہ بیان عین میدان جنگ میں ملک اور قوم کے ساتھ غداری اور پاک فوج کی پشت میں خنجر گھونپنے کے مترادف ہے۔

بھارت میں دارلعلوم دیوبند جہادِ کشمیر کے خلاف فتویٰ جاری کرچکا ہے، یہ پاکستان کی دشمنی میں ہندوﺅں سے بھی بدتر ہے۔

بھارتی قومی سلامتی کا مشیر اجیت کمار ڈوول خود یہ اعتراف کرچکا ہے کہ ”را“ دارالعلوم دیوبند کو استعمال کرکے پاکستان کے خلاف جنگ کررہی ہے۔

ہم یہ ہزار دفعہ کہہ چکے ہیں کہ ہمیں دیوبند کے مسلک یا فرقے سے کوئی سروکار نہیں۔ ہم ان کی سیاست اور پاکستان دشمنی کے خلاف ہیں۔

آج پاکستان میں جتنے بھی خوارج ہیں ان کا تعلق دارالعلوم دیوبند سے ہے۔ اور ان کی سیاسی قیاد ت فضل الرحمن جیسے پلید لوگوں کے ہاتھ میں ہے۔

ہماری دیوبند کی عسکری اور سیاسی مخالفت کو اگر کوئی فرقہ واریت کا نام دیتا ہے، تو وہ اندھا، گونگا اور بہرا جہنمی ہے۔

جس طرح ہمیں ایم کیوایم کی قومیت کی بنیاد پر پیدا کردہ دہشت گردی کو ختم کرنا ہے، اسی طرح ہمیں دیوبند کی مذہبی دہشت گردی کو بھی کچلنا ہوگا

ہر پاکستانی مسلمان یہ بات اچھی طرح جانتا ہے کہ ایم کیو ایم کے جرائم کو بیان کرنا قومیت کا فساد پھیلانا نہیں بلکہ دشمنوں کو بے نقاب کرنا ہے۔

اسی طرح دارالعلوم دیوبند بھارت کی اسلام دشمنی اور پاکستان کے خلاف جنگی جرائم پر بات کرنا فرقہ واریت نہیں بلکہ پاک سرزمین کا دفاع ہے۔

جامعہ کراچی اور جامعہ لاہور دو فرقوں کے نام نہیں ہیں، بلکہ صرف تعلیمی ادارے ہیں۔ اسی طرح دیوبند اور بریلی کے مدرسے ہیں۔

دیوبند اور بریلی کے دونوں مدرسے سنی اور حنفی مسلک کے پیروکار ہیں۔البتہ دونوں کی اپنی اپنی الگ سیاسی حکمت عملی ہے۔

ہمیں دیوبند اور بریلی کے مدرسوں کے مسلک یا فرقے سے کوئی سروکار نہیں۔ ہم ان کی سیاسی اور عسکری پالیسی پر بیان دیتے ہیں۔

دارالعلوم دیوبند بھارت کی سیاسی اور عسکری پالیسی پچھلے 80 برس سے ہندو مشرکوں کا ساتھ دے کر مسلمانوں اور پاکستان کی مخالفت کرنا رہی ہے۔

آج پاکستان میں ایک لاکھ سے زائد پاکستانی، دیوبندی خوارج کے ہاتھوں شہید ہوچکے ہیں۔ آپریشن ضرب عضب انہی کے خلاف ہے۔

پاکستان میں دیوبندیوں کا سربراہ فضل الرحمن یہ کہتا ہے کہ ضرب عضب دہشت گردوں کے خلاف نہیں، بلکہ قبائلی مسلمانوں کے خلاف کیا گیا ہے۔

فضل الرحمن کا یہ بیان عین میدان جنگ میں ملک اور قوم کے ساتھ غداری اور پاک فوج کی پشت میں خنجر گھونپنے کے مترادف ہے۔

بھارت میں دارلعلوم دیوبند جہادِ کشمیر کے خلاف فتویٰ جاری کرچکا ہے، یہ پاکستان کی دشمنی میں ہندوﺅں سے بھی بدتر ہے۔

بھارتی قومی سلامتی کا مشیر اجیت کمار ڈوول خود یہ اعتراف کرچکا ہے کہ ”را“ دارالعلوم دیوبند کو استعمال کرکے پاکستان کے خلاف جنگ کررہی ہے۔

ہم یہ ہزار دفعہ کہہ چکے ہیں کہ ہمیں دیوبند کے مسلک یا فرقے سے کوئی سروکار نہیں۔ ہم ان کی سیاست اور پاکستان دشمنی کے خلاف ہیں۔

آج پاکستان میں جتنے بھی خوارج ہیں ان کا تعلق دارالعلوم دیوبند سے ہے۔ اور ان کی سیاسی قیاد ت فضل الرحمن جیسے پلید لوگوں کے ہاتھ میں ہے۔

ہماری دیوبند کی عسکری اور سیاسی مخالفت کو اگر کوئی فرقہ واریت کا نام دیتا ہے، تو وہ اندھا، گونگا اور بہرا جہنمی ہے۔

جس طرح ہمیں ایم کیوایم کی قومیت کی بنیاد پر پیدا کردہ دہشت گردی کو ختم کرنا ہے، اسی طرح ہمیں دیوبند کی مذہبی دہشت گردی کو بھی کچلنا ہوگا

ایم کیو ایم اور دارالعلوم دیوبند بھارت دونوں ہی ”را“ کیلئے پاکستان توڑنے کا کام کررہے ہیں۔ ایک قومیت کی بنیاد پر، دوسرا مذہب کی بنیاد پر۔

ایم کیو ایم اور دارالعلوم دیوبند بھارت دونوں ہی ”را“ کیلئے پاکستان توڑنے کا کام کررہے ہیں۔ ایک قومیت کی بنیاد پر، دوسرا مذہب کی بنیاد پر۔

اسی لیے ہم پاکستان میں موجود علمائے دیوبند سے کہتے ہیں کہ کھل کر ٹی ٹی پی کو ”خوارج“ کہیں۔ ورنہ ان علماءکو بھی دشمن تصور کیا جائے گا۔

محب وطن اور دہشت گردی دیوبندی کا فرق ہی یہ ہے کہ کون ٹی ٹی پی کو خوارج کہتا ہے اور کون یا تو گونگا شیطان بنا رہتا ہے یا ان کی حمایت کرتا ہے

پاکستان میں یہ قانون ہونا چاہیے کہ ہر مسلک کے علماءٹی ٹی پی کو خوارج کہیں۔ جو انکار کرے اسے قتل کروا دیا جائے۔

پاکستان کے ہر مدرسے میں پاکستان کا جھنڈا لگایا جائے اور قائداعظم اور بابا اقبال کا احترام سکھایا جائے۔ جو انکار کرے اسے بند کردیا جائے۔

دارالعلوم دیوبند بھارت کی پاکستان سے شدید نفرت سے متاثر پاکستان میں ان کے حمایتیوں کے قائد فضل الرحمن، سمیع الحق، مفتی نعیم وغیرہ ہیں۔

علامہ شبیر احمد عثمانی نے دارالعلوم دیوبند سے استعفیٰ دے کر قائداعظم کا ساتھ دیا اور مکمل طور پر دیوبند سے قطع تعلق کرلیا تھا۔

خود کو دیوبندی یا بریلوی کہنا نہ تو قرآن و سنت کا حکم ہے، نہ شریعت اور فقہ کا کوئی مسئلہ۔ نوجوان نسل کو اپنے آپ کو صرف مسلمان کہلوانا چاہیے

ہم پاکستان کے دفاع میں ہر اس سیاسی اور مذہبی جماعت پر بلا لحاظ شدید حملے کریں گے کہ جو مشرکوں کیلئے کام کرے گا۔

ہمارا تعلق نہ کسی سیاسی جماعت سے ہے نہ کسی مذہبی فرقے سے۔ ہماری نسبت گنبد خضریٰ سے ہے اور شناخت سبز ہلالی پرچم سے ہے۔

ہم پر فرقہ واریت پھیلانے کا الزام لگانے والے پہلے اپنے ”جہنم کے کتوں“ کو پاکستان پر حملہ کرنے سے روکیں، ورنہ ہم ان کی گردنیں اتاریں گے

ہر پاکستانی مسلمان یہ بات اچھی طرح جانتا ہے کہ ایم کیو ایم کے جرائم کو بیان کرنا قومیت کا فساد پھیلانا نہیں بلکہ دشمنوں کو بے نقاب کرنا ہے۔

اسی طرح دارالعلوم دیوبند بھارت کی اسلام دشمنی اور پاکستان کے خلاف جنگی جرائم پر بات کرنا فرقہ واریت نہیں بلکہ پاک سرزمین کا دفاع ہے۔

جامعہ کراچی اور جامعہ لاہور دو فرقوں کے نام نہیں ہیں، بلکہ صرف تعلیمی ادارے ہیں۔ اسی طرح دیوبند اور بریلی کے مدرسے ہیں۔

دیوبند اور بریلی کے دونوں مدرسے سنی اور حنفی مسلک کے پیروکار ہیں۔البتہ دونوں کی اپنی اپنی الگ سیاسی حکمت عملی ہے۔

ہمیں دیوبند اور بریلی کے مدرسوں کے مسلک یا فرقے سے کوئی سروکار نہیں۔ ہم ان کی سیاسی اور عسکری پالیسی پر بیان دیتے ہیں۔

دارالعلوم دیوبند بھارت کی سیاسی اور عسکری پالیسی پچھلے 80 برس سے ہندو مشرکوں کا ساتھ دے کر مسلمانوں اور پاکستان کی مخالفت کرنا رہی ہے۔

آج پاکستان میں ایک لاکھ سے زائد پاکستانی، دیوبندی خوارج کے ہاتھوں شہید ہوچکے ہیں۔ آپریشن ضرب عضب انہی کے خلاف ہے۔

پاکستان میں دیوبندیوں کا سربراہ فضل الرحمن یہ کہتا ہے کہ ضرب عضب دہشت گردوں کے خلاف نہیں، بلکہ قبائلی مسلمانوں کے خلاف کیا گیا ہے۔

فضل الرحمن کا یہ بیان عین میدان جنگ میں ملک اور قوم کے ساتھ غداری اور پاک فوج کی پشت میں خنجر گھونپنے کے مترادف ہے۔

بھارت میں دارلعلوم دیوبند جہادِ کشمیر کے خلاف فتویٰ جاری کرچکا ہے، یہ پاکستان کی دشمنی میں ہندوﺅں سے بھی بدتر ہے۔

بھارتی قومی سلامتی کا مشیر اجیت کمار ڈوول خود یہ اعتراف کرچکا ہے کہ ”را“ دارالعلوم دیوبند کو استعمال کرکے پاکستان کے خلاف جنگ کررہی ہے۔

ہم یہ ہزار دفعہ کہہ چکے ہیں کہ ہمیں دیوبند کے مسلک یا فرقے سے کوئی سروکار نہیں۔ ہم ان کی سیاست اور پاکستان دشمنی کے خلاف ہیں۔

آج پاکستان میں جتنے بھی خوارج ہیں ان کا تعلق دارالعلوم دیوبند سے ہے۔ اور ان کی سیاسی قیاد ت فضل الرحمن جیسے پلید لوگوں کے ہاتھ میں ہے۔

ہماری دیوبند کی عسکری اور سیاسی مخالفت کو اگر کوئی فرقہ واریت کا نام دیتا ہے، تو وہ اندھا، گونگا اور بہرا جہنمی ہے۔

جس طرح ہمیں ایم کیوایم کی قومیت کی بنیاد پر پیدا کردہ دہشت گردی کو ختم کرنا ہے، اسی طرح ہمیں دیوبند کی مذہبی دہشت گردی کو بھی کچلنا ہوگا۔