Sunday 26 May 2013

May 26, 2013


Lanat Allah on Riba, Ahlan Wa sahlan to Khilafat e Rashida's real wealth based Tijarat and Baitul Maal !! 




Even the founding fathers of the US knew that the private banks printing bank notes would destroy the US freedom into slavery of the banks. It has happened today. Every American is a slave to the banks -- in debt through credit cards, mortgage and loans.

This is the reason why Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah (sm) have declared war on the entire banking system. Anti-Riba movement is now strong in the Ummah and we are on the side of our Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), fighting against the Riba and its instruments/Institutions.

Educate yourself and be prepared to fight back. Lanat Allah on Riba, Ahlan Wa sahlan to Khilafat e Rashida's real wealth based Tijarat and Baitul Maal !! Watch our series Economic Terrorism and Khilafat e Rashida. This is the war Allah wants us to fight today.



1400 years ago, a chicken was 1 silver Dirham. Even today a chicken in 1 Dirham !! Can any currency in the world give this much stability??



When there was real currency in Gold and Silver, the entire Ummah was free, without borders, without visas, without currency exchanges, without Central banks or private banks ! Muslims traded in market places, traveled great distances, paid no income tax or sales tax and there was zero inflation, meaning that prices would not rise in hundreds of years !!

1400 years ago, a chicken was 1 silver Dirham. Even today a chicken in 1 Dirham !! Can any currency in the world give this much stability??

It is a curse that humanity is stuck in fake paper system, run by zionist bankers, with massive inflation, central bank controls which is enslaving the entire humanity. The war against Riba is not for Muslims alone but for entire humanity. Every human being of the planet must join the forces of Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah (sm).


Here is a very detailed and exhaustive book on Islamic currency systems

Here is a very detailed and exhaustive book on Islamic currency systems. It is in Urdu and would be useful for serious scholars on Islamic finance. In reality, the basic principles of Islamic finance are so simple that eve a 12 years old can understand them. The economists and the Mullahs have deliberately made them complicated to maintain their hold on the subject.


We warn Nawaz Shareef for making any surrender against these animals. Talks can be done with human, NOT with "dogs of hell" !!

TTP are Khawarij, the dogs of hell !! There can be no dialogue with such murderers and killers. We did dialogue with them in Swat and signed the Shariat Ordinance but the agreement did not last 2 weeks. They can only be crushed, by force.

If there is anyone within their ranks who want to do tauba, then they must openly declare that Pakistan is Darul Islam and fighting against Pakistan is haraam !! only then, there can be any talks for giving them exit. If they continue to declare Pakistan as Darul Kufr and consider killing of Pakistanis as "Halaal", then there can be no talks with terrorists.

We warn Nawaz Shareef for making any surrender against these animals. Talks can be done with human, NOT with "dogs of hell" !! Keep this Hukm of Rasul Allah (sm) in front of you when you talk about the Khawarij of TTP.


The greatest fitnah which this nation faces today is from Khawarij. While we fight the Riba system, we also have to fight the dogs of hell who are attacking our beloved Medina e Sani Darul Islam Pakistan !!
The greatest fitnah which this nation faces today is from Khawarij. While we fight the Riba system, we also have to fight the dogs of hell who are attacking our beloved Medina e Sani Darul Islam Pakistan !! Know them well and expose them on all forums. Here is English translations and commentary of Ahadees of Rasul Allah (sm) against these Khawarij. know them and fight these dogs of hell !


Rasul Allah (sm) has blessed the army and the people who fight against Khawarij like TTP.
The same document in Urdu. Each one of you can join this war against dogs of hell. Rasul Allah (sm) has blessed the army and the people who fight against Khawarij like TTP. Fight them with your keyboards in the cyber world and destroy their propaganda against Darul Islam Pakistan !!

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